19. Kim Taehyung

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It was late on Tuesday evening. After another busy day of classes, you were spending your evening finishing off homework and assignments. You made your way to the library, seeing that it was still quite full, despite it being late at night. You looked around, checking for anyone familiar however there was no one that you knew so you made your way to the bookshelf full of text books.

You began searching through the tall shelf, looking for a few books in particular to help you with your maths work. You looked up, seeing that the book on Pythagoras' theorem was way out of your reach. "Damn it... why do they put the books so high up?" You whispered to yourself with a frown. "The real question is why are you so short?" A deep make voice mocked you as the book you wanted was suddenly swiped from the shelf.

You looked over, seeing that the book was now in the hands of a very tall, very handsome stranger. He had long black hair which was slightly curly and covered his eyes, giving him a sense of mystery. He wore his school uniform, however his tie was loosely hung around his neck and his shirt was untucked. "Hey! I need that book!" You shouted, reaching to grab it from him. However he lifted the book up so it was out of your reach. "Manners little girl, otherwise no one is getting what they want," he smirked, stepping a little closer to you. "Look... I really need to take out that book to help me with my homework," you sighed, growing tired of the stranger's childlike behaviour. "Homework, you actually do it?" He asked with a laugh.

You wanted to punch the smirk off his pretty face as you once again reached for the book which he still held above his head, out of your reach. "Of course I do it!" You growled, tugging at the boys sleeve in an attempt to get the book. "Oh wait..." he said whilst widening his eyes. "I know who you are... you're the new geeky girl!" He laughed. You stepped back, eyes growing dark at his words. "Shut the fuck up, what do you know?!" However the boy just laughed, "you're the girl who gets the amazing grades in Mr Kim's class right?" He asked.

You were about to talk back, however the librarian came around the corner. She was small and old, with grey hair and a pair of glasses perched at the end of her long pointy nose. Her skin was wrinkled and her nails were lengthy with jagged edges. She scowled at the two of you before pointing a finger. "The two of you are making too much noise, get out now!" She screeched. You sighed, punching the stranger in the arm as you made your way towards the exit. The boy followed behind, running away from the scary old woman.

"Thanks for getting me kicked out asshole!" You shouted at him once you stepped out of the library. "Not my fault, you started the argument," he smiled cockily. "I-" you tried to protest but the boy stopped you. "I'll make you a deal sweetheart," he smiled, holing the book in front of him. "I'll give you the text book, but only if you help me with my assignment for Mr Kim's class," he smirked. You groaned, not wanting to help out the annoying boy. But, you really needed this book. "Fine what's your assignment?" You asked, taking the book from his hands. "Role play. I'm Taehyung by the way," he smiled.

"Y/N," you said back, shaking his outstretched hand. "How come you're not in my class?" You asked, remembering that you had never seen Taehyung in Mr Kim's class before. "It's probably because of our timetables, they must clash so we can't be in the same lessons," he frowned and you nodded. "So lets get this over with huh?" He asked, taking your hand in his as he lead you outside.

You stopped by your dorm room to drop off the text book, before you both climbed into Taehyung's car. You noticed that he had also gotten changed so he was now wearing a police officers outfit. "What the fuck?" You asked, trying not to laugh, but in reality, he looked really damn hot. "Don't even ask, it's role play remember," he laughed back before driving off to another part of the town.

Taehyung parked down an alleyway, ordering you to climb out of the car and make your way down the street. You did as he told you, feeling a little uncomfortable that you were going to be role playing with a complete stranger. "Just relax and you'll enjoy it," he smiled comfortingly before he drove off, leaving you alone in the darkness.

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