Thank God for Siri

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Jean led Marco to the passenger side of his car and went around to the driver seat. He buckled himself in and insisted on buckling Marco in, but Marco declined.

"I can do it myself, Jean..." He felt his way around the side of his seat and eventually found a seat belt buckle and then felt the other side of the seat to put the buckle in. Jean patiently waiting, watched him for a minute or so before he moved it closer to his reach and Marco finally buckled in. Marco was thrilled and he smiled widely and said, "See, Jean? I told you I could do it!"

Jean rolled his eyes and smiled to himself as he started the car. It wasn't a very long drive Marco's house. About 15 to 20 minutes at least. It was usually a quiet ride, but now that they can partly talk to each other, Jean has been getting bombed with questions from Marco. He would ask the next question before Jean could even answer.

"So what's your favorite food? Spaghetti? Lasagna? Pancakes? What about French toast? Ohhh! How about tacos? Mayb-"

They came to a stop sign and Jean touched his arm to get him to not explode from lack of breath. He was panting slightly and he took a deep breath. Jean dropped his arm and continued driving. They arrived at Marco's house about 7 minutes later. They unbundled and Jean took Marco up to his house, unlocked the door, and set him in the living room.

"Mom! I'm home!" Marco shouted, setting his backpack on what he thought was the couch, but ended up being the floor. Jean picked it up and set it on their coffee table. "Mom?"

"In the kitchen, honey!" Came a sweet voice, followed by the smell of chocolate.

"Mmmmm! Chocolate!" Marco easily maneuvered his way to the kitchen to find his mom giving him a cup of hot chocolate. Marco loved chocolate, and quickly drank his.

"I made some for you too, Jean!" Said his mother, as Jean walked into the kitchen. She handed him a cup as well. Jean nodded after taking the cup. He didn't really like chocolate as much as Marco did but took it anyway. It's hard to say no to someone as sweet as Mrs. Bodt. He warmed his cold hands, despite being outside in the cold for a short period of time. The wind was blowing hard outside. He sipped his and the taste of mint washed over his taste buds. He made a grateful noise and sipped his more. Mrs. Bodt knew Jean like her second son.

"Where's dad?" Marco asked after finishing his cup and placing it in the sink.

"At work. He's taking over-time." She sighed.

Marco frowned. "Again?" He sighed and Jean put his hand on his shoulder.

"Unfortunately..." Mrs. Bodt stared down at her own cup in thought. Marco blew a raspberry and put his head against Jean's hand. Jean rolled his eyes as he tried to take his hand back but Marco wouldn't let him.

"Let's go upstairs, Jean." Jean nodded and started following Marco up the stairs.

"Is it ok for Jean to be here? What time does he have to leave?" Mrs. Bodt called up the stairs. Marco felt for Jean behind him, and Jean reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone for Marco to feel. "He's gonna text his mom," Marco replied feeling the phone in Jean's hand. It had a symbol of two wings on it, one black and the other white, that stuck out for Marco to feel. They rushed up the stairs and slammed the door shut and hopped onto his bed. Marco was laughing as Jean sent a quick text to his mom. He misspelled a word and his phone auto corrected him, a voice telling him the right word he meant to spell. Marco heard this and quickly shut up.

"Jean....Do that again..." Jean looked up at him, seeing that he was facing towards Jean looking just above him. He made a confused sound. "Do it again. That voice thing."

Jean was still confused, but he misspelled another word and the voice and atom correct happened again. Marco widened his eyes. He looked down at his phone and saw a little mike and he pressed it. It read his entire text aloud. "Hey Mom. Staying at Marcos for a little bit. Be back soon. Umbrella."

"" Marco gasped. "This day keeps getting better and better."

Jean was still confused as he backspaced 'umbrella' and hit send to his mom.

" 'Type I don't understand' into your phone and do that again," Marco instructed. Jean did as he was told and finally realized he just told Marco what he was thinking. He couldn't believe it. He talked to Marco. With words.

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