May the Force be With You

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Since the whole phone scene, Jean and Marco have done nothing but talk to each other over the past hour or so. Marco's mom came up a couple of times with snacks but that was it.

It was getting late and both boys began to get tired. With heavy eyelids, they rolled into Macro's bed. Marco felt around for Jean and ended up having his hand on Jean's face. Jean was taken aback and jumped slightly. He furrowed his eyebrows together and put his own hand on Marco's face. Marco yelled and withdrew his hand, giggling. Jean rolled his eyes and turned on his side facing Marco.

"Nggg. It's too bright in here. Jeeeeean, turn off the liiiight," Marco whined. Jean groaned and didn't budge. 'How can he even tel it was too bright in here anyways?' He thought to himself.

"Jeaaaaannnnnnn," Marco whined more. Jean turned on his other side away from Marco but didn't move. Footsteps were being heard coming up the stairs, and Mrs. Bodt walked back in.

"You guys ok in here?" She asked.

"Noooo. Jean is being a lazy bum and won't turn off the light," Marco complained. Jean scoffed and rolled his eyes again.

'Wow, rood,' Jean thought to himself.

Mrs. Bodt laughed quietly and walked over to the light switch and flicked it off. Taking the tray out of the room, she headed towards the door. "Night you two. I'll call you guys down if something happens, and Jean, you might want to text your mom to tell her where you're at."

Jean groaned and pulled out his phone. The battery was almost dead from all the talking they did, and he forgot his charger. He quickly sent the message to his mom, telling her he was staying at Marco's. Mrs. Bodt left the room and closed the door gently before going back downstairs. Jean typed into his phone, telling Marco goodnight. He backspaced a few words at the end before having Siri say his sentence aloud.

"Goodnight to you too, Jean. And may the force be with you," Marco replied. Jean laughed as well as he could and set his phone down on the stand beside the bed. Marco chuckled as well before turning over and placing his arm over Jean. Jean blushed a little and placed his arm on Marco's lower back, putting his head on top of Marco's. Marco snuggled into Jean, and soon you could hear low, soft, and even breathing from both boys as they dreamed of sweet nothings.



Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait for those of you reading it :P Also sorry it's a fairly short chapter. The next will be longer I promise! (I'm already working on it) I just wanted to make sure you guys didn't forget about this story ;u; Enjoy!

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