Real Pain In The Ass

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Glancing at my reflection, I bit my lip; I was trying to delay getting out of my dorm room, I'd been awake and ready for hours, but the thought of walking out the door made me second guess my presence here

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Glancing at my reflection, I bit my lip; I was trying to delay getting out of my dorm room, I'd been awake and ready for hours, but the thought of walking out the door made me second guess my presence here.

Especially with the murders that happened and seeing my sister again.

Picking up my messenger bag, I pull it over my body as I take deep breaths before opening my door slowly, peeking out into the hall, I felt relieved when it was empty.

Closing the door behind me, I made my way out of the dorm house, hoping to find Dewey again; I knew he'd be around somewhere watching over Sidney and me.

I spent most of my first night here awake thinking about the murders Dewey told me about yesterday, questioning if it was a random occurrence or was it because of the Stab movie coming out, but whatever it was, it still felt too close for comfort.

Pulling open the door, I'm immediately mobbed by several people I suddenly realize are reporters. My stomach drops as microphones and cameras are pushed into my face as questions are hitting me from all sides.

"There she is, Katherine! Hi! Do you know what happened to the victims?"

"Katherine, did you know the victims at all?"

"Do you feel frightened by the murders?"

"How does it feel to be so close to more murders?"

I try to push through, but I can feel a panic attack crawling up my throat before a pretty blonde girl makes her way between me and the reports as she levels them with a glare. "Can't you see she doesn't want to answer any questions. Just leave her alone".

I gulp as she takes my arm in her hand and pulls me through the crowd of bloodthirsty reporters as they continue to call out their questions "Katherine, can you tell us anything?!".

The blonde girl just huffs as she throws her head back and calls over her shoulder, "Yeah, you guys are a real pain in the ass." I wordlessly let the blonde tug me behind her as she ranted about how shitty those reporters were; it was something that weirdly felt familiar to me.

Feeling her suddenly stop, I watched as she turned to face me quickly with her eyes wide and mouth open before she drops my arm as if it burned her. "Oh my god! I am so sorry for pulling you around. I-i just saw how you froze and-".

I just smiled as she stuttered apologizes to me.

Seeing my expression, she blushed and stopped her ramble "-I'm Cici" she introduced herself with a small wave and big smile that made me feel less anxious than I was when I woke up this morning.

"I'm Kat," I told her, rubbing the back of my neck; who knew I'd be socializing this early on in my college life, me, Katherine Prescott, the girl who dislikes human interaction. Who would have guessed?.

"Yeah, I know," she replied instantly before her eyes widened again. "Oh! Sorry If that freaked you out, it's just I know you from... you know", she insinuated with a tight smile as if she didn't want to say 'hey, I know you from those murders you got caught up in two years ago.'

"I'm getting a lot of that around here," I motion to the stares from other students as they not so quietly whisper to each other while they walk past us. I wonder if Sidney had this reaction too, or was I just special because I was in a mental institution for two years.

Cici smiled at me, sympathetically. "Well, don't worry; not all of us want to know every detail" I smiled at her; it was refreshing to speak to someone who didn't want to know everything and push me to talk about my feelings.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but she reminded me of someone we'd only just met, but I feel at home talking to her, and I was genuinely enjoying it. If only Sue could see me now, she'd definitely be proud of my social skills.

"So, how about I show you around campus? I bet you stayed in your dorm room since you've been here," Cici said with a small smirk when I dropped my head with a laugh "am I right?" she giggled as I nodded guiltily.

Slowly wrapping her arm around mine, she watched me carefully before smiling brightly and began to gently lead me around, showing me all the different dorms, halls, and the best places to hang out.

"What class have you got first?" The blonde questioned as I pulled out my schedule for my classes later. "Film Theory," I said with a happy face, but nervous tone, a small part of me still wanted to go back to my room and hide under my bed covers.

Stopping dead, Cici turned to me in shock as she shook her head in disbelief. "Me too," she clapped her hands excitedly before looping her arm with mine again. "You know Kat, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

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