Famous Katherine Prescott

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Cici led me around campus chatting the whole way, I was more concerned with ignoring all the stares coming our way, whether it was because of the blonde who had her arm curled around mine laughing loudly or the shock of seeing me here, I had no idea

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Cici led me around campus chatting the whole way, I was more concerned with ignoring all the stares coming our way, whether it was because of the blonde who had her arm curled around mine laughing loudly or the shock of seeing me here, I had no idea.

But it wasn't the best feeling in the world; all I could do was take a breath and count to ten as I let the blonde guide me through the college gardens.

Coming almost full circle, we end up back in the place I had seen my sister yesterday. Glancing over in that direction, my stomach tightens at the familiar brown-haired boy that looked no different than the last time I had seen him.


"I'll be right..." I stop in my sentence as Cici glances at me, confused. "I'm just going to-" I point over to the group of people as Cici nods knowingly as she turns and walks over to a group of girls, all happy to see her.

"Oh man, this is huge," I heard Randy say as I slowly walk closer to him, not really knowing what to say, but I had been friends with him since we were kids, and I wasn't going to give that up for anything.

"Randy!" I call out, causing him to jump and turn to me with a shocked smile, my eyes quickly scanned the area for my sister, but I was pleasantly surprised to not see her anywhere.

"Kat?" Nodding, I blinking when hugged Randy me tightly. "How are you? What are you doing here? You look great", He stuttered as his breath hit my ear; I noticed Mickey watching us closely over Randy's shoulder.

Moving back, I let out a small laugh at his questions; he looked so confused but happy to see me. It was nice.

"I managed to graduate while in the hospital, and they convinced me to give normality a try," I grinned as Randy laughed along with me before he threw an arm over my shoulder, turning towards the people I had met yesterday.

Randy eyed them as they glanced between us with various expressions on their faces. "What's going on?" My oldest friend questioned them, sounding confused.

I shrugged with a smirk. "They must still be really shocked to have met me yesterday" my eyes turned towards them with a scowl. "I can just imagine Sidney telling you all about her crazy sister, right?".

Derek's face flushed, and I knew I was right in some way, Sidney had told them about me. "She didn't call you crazy," He muttered as my jaw clenched angrily at his attempt to smooth over whatever shit my sister had said.

"She shouldn't be talking about me at all," I hissed as his face dropped in shock, Hallie stood awkwardly, driving me to wonder what she had heard about me, and Mickey's face hadn't once changed as he continued to study me in silence.

My gaze turns back to Randy when I feel his body straighten, and I followed his gaze towards where my sister was walking towards us, away from where Dewey was stood. What we're they looking so suspicious about?

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