mean girls

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I am sad because the mean girls were always mean but I didn't mind cause I had guards I was sad the my bff's left me for them,I went to the girls and Reyes to talk to Charli Avani or Madi the pushed me and I for my guards to about at them and leave me then a group of boys came up to me,I got my guards in front of me I was scared after I lost my bff's

then I heard Bryce say

Bryce: what's your name you didn't tell me I'm Bryce remember me.

I told my guards to move a little and Bryce with his friends came and asked him name

Bryce:hey what's your name?

Y/n: hi my name is Chloe who are these boys should I be scared?

Bryce:no no no these are my friends.

Kio:hi I'm kio
Quinton:hi I'm Quinton call me q
Anthony:hi in Anthony call me ant
Josh:hi I'm Josh
Jaden:hi I'm Jaden
Noah: hi I'm noah
Griffin:hi I'm Griffin call me Griff.

Chloe:hi I am Chloe I like your names.

The boys:thanks.

Bryce:what's your snap?

Chloe:sorry I don't have snap


Chloe:I don't like attention

Bryce ok you should buy snap and insta do you have tiktok or Twitter?

Chloe:I don't have social media

Kio:you should buy tiktok and more



Chloe's pov
I downloaded the apps they told me and made a account I posted tiktoks

Then I asked the boys if they wanna come I told them it would be cool and I told them I have a gaming room.

The boys,
: Yes yes plzz

Chloe:ok get your stuff ready I got a limo

We went in and danced and made tiktoks and sang I sang selfish

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We went in and danced and made tiktoks and sang I sang selfish

The boys were sister shook and started clapping and I was shy

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