your a girl ☺️ you have superpower olny Charli Avani and Madi know you are 18 and can do a lot of stuff you like to do boxing skate surf dance sing etc your mom and dad take care of you are support you no matter what Kylie and Travis are your parent...
I am sad because the mean girls were always mean but I didn't mind cause I had guards I was sad the my bff's left me for them,I went to the girls and Reyes to talk to Charli Avani or Madi the pushed me and I for my guards to about at them and leave me then a group of boys came up to me,I got my guards in front of me I was scared after I lost my bff's END OF POV
then I heard Bryce say
Bryce: what's your name you didn't tell me I'm Bryce remember me.
I told my guards to move a little and Bryce with his friends came and asked him name
Bryce:hey what's your name?
Y/n: hi my name is Chloe who are these boys should I be scared?
Bryce:no no no these are my friends.
Kio:hi I'm kio Quinton:hi I'm Quinton call me q Anthony:hi in Anthony call me ant Josh:hi I'm Josh Jaden:hi I'm Jaden Noah: hi I'm noah Griffin:hi I'm Griffin call me Griff.
Chloe:hi I am Chloe I like your names.
The boys:thanks.
Bryce:what's your snap?
Chloe:sorry I don't have snap
Chloe:I don't like attention
Bryce ok you should buy snap and insta do you have tiktok or Twitter?
Chloe:I don't have social media
Kio:you should buy tiktok and more
Chloe's pov I downloaded the apps they told me and made a account I posted tiktoks
Then I asked the boys if they wanna come I told them it would be cool and I told them I have a gaming room. END OF POV
The boys, : Yes yes plzz
Chloe:ok get your stuff ready I got a limo
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We went in and danced and made tiktoks and sang I sang selfish
The boys were sister shook and started clapping and I was shy