when Chloe realised...

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The boys:wow you newer roof us you could sing what else could you do?

Chloe:dance,cook,skate,surf,boxing, karate, gymnastics and more.

The boys:do gymnastics now plz when we get to your house

Chloe:ok I think we are here.

The boys jaw dropped the house was big enough to have 20 people live in it

Choles pov

I was so scared what my parents would think about the boys I knew my dad would love them they could play games,but I was still sad that Charli Avani and Madi left me for mean girl,I don't need them they will revert it.

Travis:wow you made cool friends tell me about them and where are Charli Avani and Madi?

Chloe:they were using me for fame they left me for a group of mean girls 😔.

Kylie:honey don't worry there are more girls out there.

Chloe:still I'm new obviously they will use me for fame.

Boys:hey,don't worry we won't use you people use and still use us for fam.


Boys:we are from tiktok a group of boys that make tiktoks you mom may know us our group is sway or swayla

Kylie: yes I know you from tiktok

Sway:umm sorry we are cringy

Chloe:mom you have tiktok what's your acc I got tiktok


SWAY:can you show us your gymnastics plz chloe?

Chloe:ok come to my gymnastics room

The room

The room

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After a while

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After a while

Boys: WOW,

A/n:guys I won't post to my h there are guestes and I do t a lot of Idea comment plz bye

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