Fate and Destiny (Kai x reader)

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Short fic of KAI X YOU!

soulmate AU!

-- enjoy --

Ever since your seventeenth birthday, you notice something wrong with your body. Now it was not pimple, nor wrinkles, and not any other puberty stuffs. You wake up to random bruises and scratches on your skin. You're pretty sure you never have a bruise on your knee when you go to bed last night, but oh well you almost broke your cup of cocoa this morning when you saw your reflection on the mirror. You're not a clumsy person who might stub their knee upon going to bed, nor falling off a stair. That being the reason why you're always creeped up when you found yet another fresh bruise on your skins.

You decided to shrug it off since there was no pain or bothering sensation there. It's only annoying to see a fresh new bruise. You shake your head and head to change your clothes to get ready for a class.

The scorching heat in summer makes it impossible for you to wear a training pants just to cover the bruise, no you'll need a pair of shorts for the sake of your sanity. You prepare your heart as you head out your small rented apartment room, today will be a long day.

Sure enough five minutes into the building, your friends are all questioning you where did you get your bruise.

"Did you fall from the stairs? Again?"

"You must be kidding, that is a nasty bruise... you probably fell when you sleepwalk ... you sure you're okay?"

"Oh admit it.. do you have a rough night with someone?" one of your friend winked

You roll your eyes, you live alone. There was no way someone caused this.

"I live alone okay, and I do not have any abusive boyfriend... let alone a boyfriend. You know I'm single." You said while taking your favorite seat.

Lecture went well and so is life.

It was not until your 20th birthday when you finally found the answer to your surprising bruises and scars. You discover the truth after meeting a specialist who told you "That is a special sign from your soulmate! Different people have different signs for finding their soulmates. It will begin from your 17th birthday until the day you meet your soulmate!"

You don't want to believe her at first, thinking this $200 session was a scam, you decided to surf the internet and look for people who have the same symptoms as yours.

Turns out there were many people like you out there who's looking for their soulmates too. One thing for sure caught your attention that there is a website for you to look for your soulmate. Because he or she might be on the other side of the hemisphere. And that significant others of yours, might have different signs to find you.

You chose to make a move and signed up for an account. Every day you post the pictures of the bruises and scars, with some glint of hope a random clumsy person will finally find you and maybe the two of you can work it out and you're finally free from the random bruises.

For one and a half year you posted pictures and went to meet several people who thought you're their soulmates. But until today, you still wake up to more random bruises. Gosh just how abusive is this significant others of yours living with?!

You bare with the situation until one day, you're attending a concert. A SuperM concert in LA.

You were going through the concert like any other fans and right as you queue yourself to leave the venue, someone actually tapped your shoulder and asked you politely to follow them.

You're confused but you decided to follow him and he brings you to a room. Feeling nervous, you fiddle with the small tattoo you've also had since born! Yeah you also struggle with that small rose tattoo on your inner wrist. Your teachers always thought your parents were crazy in letting their child have a tattoo before her legal age. But truth is you're born with it. You used to hide it with bandages, watches, bracelets, and long sleeves. However, as you age, you can finally show it to the world like it is a tattoo done in an expensive professional parlor. Why? Because damn those thin lines engraving rose on your skin are very exquisite. A lot of people asked you where did you get such a beautiful job done.

You wait in the room nervously, did they caught you for don't know maybe you unknowingly threw a glance to the members and they feel violated... or maybe someone reported you of something.

"Sorry to take your time," A breath-taking man stood in front of you. You shoot your head from your palm to the man across you. He still has his make ups and stage hair on, only that his clothes are changed to a comfortable tee shirt.

"You probably have tons of questions in your head, but please let me just make this quick." He goes forward to you and suddenly takes your left hand, he softly turns your hand to face up and a big smile appears on his face.

"This!" He wiped his thumb over the glowing tattoo, hey since when did it glow?

Your eyes widen as your brain tries to process the situation.

"No way," you gasp and you glance one more time to his wrist and yours. There located on the same exact position, the same glowing tattoo.

"Kai?!" you exclaimed in surprise. Is Kai your soulmate!!!!

"You... gosh now that explains all of the bruises!" you raise your hand to make a "mind blown" action with your hands.

Kai giggles, "What did I do to you?"

"You make it hard for me to wake up with random bruises on my body! I almost thought my soulmate lives with someone abusive! Turns out it was you and your hard work..." you giggled.

"Whoop I'm sorry, yes I have a lot of bruises and scars from the dance practices... but I'm glad I finally found you! You did not know how hard was it for me to hide this tattoo when I go to school and the fans! Gosh they all knew about this and made a matching one!" kai frustratedly speaks his heart out.

"Well are you sure I'm the one?" you ask after hearing his reasoning.

Kai smiles softly and reaches for your hands, "Because I've met lots of girls who tried to fake the tattoo and whenever I saw that mark during fan signs, I knew it's different. No one can make this perfect mark! Plus I've never seen any unusual thing until tonight. Amidst the darkness and the crowds, when you raise your light stick and I happen to pass by you. That's when I saw your rose glows and quickly I checked mine," he turns his wrist over and mine too.

"See, when I meet the true owner the rose will glow. Then there's this I don't know tingling sensation ... don't you?" Kai cocks his head

A crisp laugh erupts between you two, "Kai I'm going here to attend a concert of my favorite band ... of course I'm nervous and excited. The butterflies in my stomach is crazy right now, moreover you came here and told me I am your soul mate."

"You know... I've traveled around the world, meet different people and finally! Finally I found you!" Kai holds your hands tighter

"So, would you like to know me more or am I going to leave like nothing happened?" You tease him.

"Not so fast miss, Tell me how does wine and cheese sounds to you?" Kai smirks

"That's an okay from me," You smile politely

"Great! Wait for me here, what's your name?" he asked before leaving the door to change his attire.

You raise your head to face him, "(y/n)... nice to finally meet you mr bruises and scars." You taunt at him

He laughs, knowing he will love you, "Great miss rose. Let me grab my things and I'll come back here."

You sit down when the door closes and you let our a small squeal. Your soul mate happens to be Kai... you don't know you're this lucky.

After all, fate and destiny did bring the two of you together. He traveled around the world, saw a lot of girls with that artificial rose, but amidst all of that he did find you, the real owner of the rose mark. And you, you'll finally live in peace without worrying any more bruises!

Life is great and love is magical. 

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