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Tags: Shower Sex, Hickeys, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex,
Top: Jeong Yunho
Bottom: Song Mingi
Summary: Mingi stared at Yunho during a show and Yunho proceeds to ‪fuck him in the shower

Mingi stared at his boyfriend, a small content smile taking over his mouth. The MC of weekly idol had the younger sitting a few feet away from the older, giving him full range to stare at his boyfriend all he wanted. He just stared. Stared at the perfect nose he liked to pinch, the cute lips he liked to bite and kiss, the blue hair he liked to run his hand through. Everything about Yunho was perfect, and Mingi would not be told otherwise.

What the younger didn't realize is that Yunho knew he was staring. He would tease his lover, but he knew the MC would ask questions and he wasn't ready have their relationship out there. It's not that he didn't love Mingi, because he loved Mingi with his entire heart. And it's also not because he was afraid the fans would disown him, because he knew that atiny would be very accepting (they had a really good fan base and he was very thankful for everything that they do for them, so he knew they wouldn't criticize him). The reason is actually very simple. He was scared. Scared of how his father would react to his only son being gay. He was scared about the repercussions of loving Mingi (he knew deep down that Mingi and him would get through it together and be with each other every step of the way, but he was still scared).

When the show was finally over, the MC took a picture with them, and they were finally free to go home. All of them decided to take off their makeup in the car(none of them used too much makeup anyways so it wouldn't be that much of a hassle). The boys took 2 cars home, 4 people in each car. Hongjoong and Seonghwa sat in the middle seats of the first with Mingi and Yunho in the back. Yeosang, Jungho, Wooyoung, and San sat in the other car. The car ride was pretty fast and the boys got there in about an hour.

Once they got into the shared apartment, the boys quickly called dibs on the shower, leaving Yunho and Mingi for last. The latter went off to their shared room, wanting to sleep for the extra time he had.

Once he got to the room, he plopped on the bed, half expecting his boyfriend to come
and cuddle him, but his boyfriend wasn't even in the room. He probably should have looked for him, but it was late at night and they had a busy schedule tomorrow so he decided that he would try to get some form of sleep while the other did whatever he was doing.

After an hour, Hongjoong came into his room to tell Mingi it was his turn for a shower. Mingi groaned but still got up and collected his things for the shower. He got to the bathroom and put all of his belongings on the sink, getting ready to close the door. Before he was able to close it though, he felt himself being pushed into the bathroom further, heard the door shut and lock, and was placed with his back against the door. He opened his sleepy eyes to see blue hair and realized that it was just his boyfriend and immediately relaxed, a small smile came to his face. Yunho, now that the younger was relaxed, finished his mission. He quickly smashed his lips into Mingi's, tongue immediately going in for the kill.

They stood there for a few minutes, if one could call Yunho crowding Mingi against the door and making him grind on his thigh standing. They released the kiss they were having and Yunho immediately put his mouth to use on Mingi's neck, making the boy grow larger in his sweatpants. By this time, Mingi had been reduced to just whimpers and quiet moans as his lover continued his ministrations.

"Babe, they are gonna ask why you're taking so long. Do you wanna shower with me?" Yunho asked politely, despite knowing it wasn't the tone Mingi wanted him to have. Mingi preferred it when Yunho was tougher with him, he enjoyed feeling like Yunho's play toy(even though he knew their relationship was more than just sex, if the late night cuddles and deep conversations were anything to come by). He told the older this the first time they started having sex(before they became boyfriends, mind you). So the older already knew how he liked to be treated. He also was just able to learn from being with the younger for a year now(their one year anniversary was soon and Mingi was stoked!). So, when Yunho acted sweet and caring during sex, the younger knew it was to tease him, especially with the smirk that was present in his face.

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