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Y/N): Your Name | (F/F): Favorite Food

'I don't have to worry about Luffy and the others. They can flee on their own. All members of the evil army Vinsmoke will die. That's for the best. That our enemies get what they want. It feels short but it was a fulfilling life. Although there was something I still wanted to do.' I was sitting against the wall with my arms on my knees and head down.

"Oh, food!" I looked up and saw Bobbin looking at me. "Aren't you Vinsmoke Sanji?" I didn't answer him but instead looked at the piece of meat he had in his hands.


"If you don't come back, I'll be here...starving to death!"


"It's not for you!" I don't know what came of me but Bobbin was instantly kicked away and unconscious. I caught the meat he let go putting it in the picnic basket and ran full speed out the castle. It was raining heavily...


"I'll be here waiting!"


'Where are you Luffy?' I searched for him everywhere, flipping bodies here and there. "Luffy!!" I yelled out desperately for my Captain.

It seems that was the call for him because I heard a stomach growl. My head instantly snapped towards the tree that was cut in half. I picked up the picnic basket and headed towards the silhouette body hoping it was Luffy. I probably have an ugly-crying expression right now, but I could care less. Luffy is here...

As I walked closer Luffy's stomached growled and he was sniffing around. 'Of course, he smells it...' He slowly regained consciousness.

"Sanji..." He called out to me but I looked away. "I've been waiting for you. You're late." I just scoffed and a frown was plastered on my face. "What's the matter, Sanji?"

I kept thinking of when I kicked him time after time. The words I told him.

"I didn't ask you to wait," Luffy only laughed like the selfish person he is. "You just made a promise saying whatever you felt like," He didn't respond but his stomach did. I walked over to him and placed the picnic basket in front of him. "You're always like that. Don't be selfish and force things on others." He looked at up at me and smiled.

"But you came,"

"Tch. Eat what you can," I turned around and walked away.


"I dropped it on my way here. It's been crushed and it got wet in the rain" I knew it looked awful... "It's just another failure, isn't it?" I got no response but I heard him eat and chew.

"It's good" He yelled out like he usually does when he eats. "Sandwiches and hamburgers! They're Robin and Franky's favorites!" He kept eating and enjoying his meal. "The best food ever! Oh, there's even (F/F)! (Y/N) would've loved this! Yum!" I sat down on one of the soldiers that were laying on the ground with my back facing him. "You made everyone's favorite! I want them to have this!"

"Don't lie!" I whispered out.

"Oh, that was so good! I had almost faded to nothing!"

"Have you had enough?"

"Yeah! The food you cook really is the best!"

"If you're finished, leave. I'll stay behind,"

"What are you saying?! Come with us!"

"Don't make me repeat myself! I'm not going back!"

"Why?!" He argued back, I lifted up my finger.

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