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It was terrifying but we somehow made it since Sanji's family are so strong! While we were escaping, the side of the castle suddenly exploded making the whole thing tilt over. It secured our chance of escaping the tea party.

When Caesar finally set Bege down we all came out of Bege's body.

"Thank you, Bege! I really thought we were dead..." Nami thanked him on behalf of all of us.

"Don't thank me I feel like I did something good and that makes me sick," He responded displeased with the comment.

"I'M THE ONE WHO CARRIED YOU!" Caesar snapped at all of us although we didn't care.

"Shut up, loser! Do you remember what you did to those kids at Punk Hazard? We don't need you anymore so... go drop dead," She looked at him with a dead look on her face.

"Hey! How could you speak to a genius like that?! I can turn this place into a poison gas trap if you want!"

"Here. It's your heart," Bege threw his heart somewhere so he can go catch it, he immediately went after it happy.

"We should've crushed it," Nami pouted in disappointment.

"I'll never see you guys again! Goodbye, idiots and stupid girl!"

"Why did it collapse?" Luffy was facing the fallen castle already forgetting about a scientist.

"Yeah, it was sudden," Sanji couldn't believe it either.

"What happened?" Pedro asked Jinbei.

"I have no idea," Jinbei shook his head, he never heard this part of the plan.

"Well whatever it was, it helped us escape because we were pinned down!" I said crying tears of joy.

"Agreed!" Nami and Chopper joined me.

"Now, all there's left to do is run, right?" Luffy turned to Bege who agreed with him.

"That's all we've been doing... There were too many obstacles at the beginning," Bege commented kind of annoyed. "We'll part with you guys here, Straw Hat,"

"What? Really?"

"We failed to kill Big Mom. We have no reason to stay together anymore," Jinbei explained to Luffy.

"That's right. You guys had better hurry, too," As we separated only one thing crossed my mind, 'This is just the beginning of the escape...'


It didn't take long before Big Mom and her huge army of pirates were able to catch up with us. We have been running for a while now just barely dodging her attacks.

As we were getting closer to the ship we heard a yell from a distance.

"Straw Hats!" I looked back and saw Pudding and Chiffon on a flying carpet... 'Why is she here!?'

"Oh, Pudding! What's wrong with you?! You fooled us!" Luffy angrily shouted at her.

"To stop Mama's Hunger Pangs attack..." Pudding ignored him and got straight to the point.

"See? We should've tied her up in the first place!" Pedro cut her off.

"To stop Mama's..."

"But why's Chiffon with her?! I thought she ran away with Bege's group!" Nami questioned.

"To stop..."

"Wanna fight?!" Luffy was the one to cut her off wanting to fight her.

"No, I don't! Listen to me!" She snapped at all of us with a menacing look showing us her third eye.

"Pudding-chan, you're okay!" Sanji exclaimed happily and I pouted.

"P...P...Pathetic! You're not gonna make it! Even if you escape by ship, Mama will chase you to the farthest sea and sink you to the ocean floor!" She laughed looking down on us with a scary look on her face.

"What did you say, you bastard?!" Luffy yelled at her.

"That is not it, Pudding! What are you talking about?!" Chiffon snapped at her.

"You're right! You're right! What am I saying?!" Pudding quickly went from looking menacing to remorseful.

"Mama believes that you guys stole the wedding cake she really wanted to eat!" Chiffon explained and I looked back for a quick second to see Big Mom go crazy chasing after us. 'Yikes...'

"What?! We don't have a cake!" Luffy got annoyed.

"I know! But right now, Mama would chase you even across the water until she gets the cake!"

"That's right! So, Sanji! Come here! Watch as your friends get killed by Mama and go through hell!" Pudding laughed happily thinking about it.

"That is not it! What are you talking about?!" Chiffon corrected her again.

"You're right! I wanna disappear!"

"If that's what you came to say, go away, you fools!" Luffy snapped at them this time.

"Wait a minute! That wasn't it!" Chiffon told Luffy then looked at Sanji. "Black-Leg Sanji! Pudding told me you're good at making sweets, too!"

"Yeah, I'm excellent at any kind of cooking!" Sanji said confidently and I agreed.

"Okay! Then, help us bake the cake! We'll make the cake which is the only thing that can stop Mama! And we'll help you guys escape!"

"Chiffon! Why?!" Nami asked her.

"I wanna pay my debt to you for saving Lola! And I'll risk my life to do it!" Chiffon winked and gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Chiffon!"

"But unlike my sister, I'm not doing it for you! The cake that I was gonna bake for myself happened by chance to be the one Mama craves now!" Pudding cut into the moment and started to fidget for a second. "S-So it's not like I came all the way to stop her because I didn't want you to die, Sanji..." She turned around and slowly let out "...san!"

We were all shocked at what just happened and I saw a heart pop out next to her. 'Her personality is like a roller coaster!'

"I see! That's good! Where can we bake the cake?!" Sanji asked her taking in the situation.

"We have extra supplies of the ingredients at Chocolat Town! We'll bake the cake as fast as we can then, carry it on a ship and deliver it to you! And we'll let Mama who comes after you eat the cake." Chiffon told her the plan...it seems simple but they'll be way too many obstacles. "Once you sail out to sea, you'll have enemies in front of you too! But I believe you guys can endure it!"

"We will," Luffy determinedly confirmed that we will.

"Ok, I'll hop on!" Sanji made his decision then looked at all of us. "I'm gonna leave you for now but I promise I'll return!"

"Yeah, I know you will!" Luffy laughed happily.

"You better come back to us...to me..." I blushed at my sudden declaration and glared at Pudding who seemed shocked. 'He's mine!'

"Was that A PROPOSAL, (Y/N)-SAN!? You really want to marry me?!" Sanji leaped with joy.

A/N: Here's the chapter I promised :P

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