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"Lilith, Lilith wake up." I caught her before she hit the floor.

"Let go of her Alex she's having a seizure." Denise crouched down next to us "Richard call an ambulance now."

Denise took Richards coat and placed it under her head and I just knelt there next to my wife.

"Where the fuck is the ambulance?" I yelled trying to hold my wife, but Denise wouldn't let me.

"You can hurt her. You can't hold her while she's seizing." Denise told me, just then we heard the sirens.

A paramedic ran up to us. "How long has she been seizing for?" He asked getting her vital signs.

"About 5 minutes now." Denise answered.

The other paramedic was getting an IV started on her other arm. "Any medical history of seizures?"

"No." I was in shock.

"She's pregnant." Denise told them.

"How far along is she?" One of the paramedics asked.

"She's 21 weeks." I told him.

The one paramedic looked at the other paramedic "Her blood pressure is 206/104" There was panic in his eyes when he said it.

"Does she have a medical condition?" He asked me.

"No." I told him annoyed at all the question and them not putting her in the ambulance.

"Yes." Denise looked at me then to them "She has pre-eclampsia."

"What?" I looked at her, "She was sick, and you kept that from me."

"It wasn't my place to tell you." Denise had tears in her eyes.

"How can you say that? She's your best friend and you kept a secret that was hurting her from her husband!?" I was yelling at her then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Let the paramedics help Lilith, you can talk about this later." Georgia tried to calm me down.

"We need to scoop and run." The one paramedic said to the other "Before she strokes out."

They put her on the stretcher and rushed her into the ambulance and took off.

"I'll drive you." Richard said to me, "You're in no condition to drive."

"Thank you." I said to Richard and we got into his car.

"How did I not see this? My wife was so sick, and I just ignored it." I put my face in my hands "Oh God I fought with her." I cried "If she dies it's my fault."

"She's not going to die." Richard tried to assure me "And we all missed the signs. The day of the meeting she couldn't see the projector to finish the presentation and handed it off to me. I should have said something to you." Richard paused "I'm sorry."

"My wife should have told me." I looked at him "Didn't you bring your wife to the party?" I asked him.

"Zach and his wife Abby are bringing Samantha home." He told me.

We road the rest of the way in silence. I kept bargaining with God in my head "If you save her, I will go to church every Sunday, or every other Sunday. Fuck if I go into church it might get struck by lightning. I'll learn how to pray. I'll be a better husband and father. I'll never yell or curse again. Please God don't take her from me."

"We're here" Richard said bringing me out of my silent bargaining.

I ran out of the car, into the hospital and to the information desk "My wife was just brought here by ambulance." I told the nurse.

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