After Highschool

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What's your dream job?

The question repeats in your head, as you walk down the halls of a labyrinth that people call school. It was a simple assignment your teacher had given the class, but you didn't even know what you wanted for dinner let alone stick with a job for the rest of your life. The only person who could help you with this dilemma was your bestfriend and crush, Prompto Argentum.

Taking two steps at a time, you reach the second floor with Prompto's locker on it hoping he might be able to help you.

"You know pretty well, right?"

Prompto slowly closes his locker most likely concerned from you bluntness, but willing to ease your worries nonetheless. You would have done the same for him.

"Yeah I'd say so. What's with the sudden question?"

He leans against the wall of locker desperately trying to be Mr.Cool, but it doesn't really work out since his foot slips of the lockers.

"I think I'm going through an existential crisis."

You even add extravagant hand movement to emphasize your point.

Prompto stares at you for a couple seconds before he's taking over by a fit of giggles. In another situation you would have loved to hear him laugh, but you're too stressed to enjoy his laugh.

"Prom I'm serious here! I have no idea what I'm gonna do after highschool, and on top of  that I have to write a paper about it." You run a hand through your hair, ruining the style you had it set in.

"So you want me to tell you what you should after school ends? He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Well...yeah...I mean it was worth a shot."

He chuckles at your shyness, and gives you a nookie further messing up your hair.

"You know you acting so dumb right now." Prom deadpans.

"Hey! I'm not dumb" He raises his eyebrows opening his mouth to recount all those hilarious times you've embarrassed yourself. He could go on for hours."Okay maybe I'm a little dumb" He looks at you again, trying to make you break, and unsurprisingly you do. "Alright alright a lot dumb" Hoping to move past your level of intelligence, you pass the questions on to Prompto. "What do you want to do?"

He shrugs, moving his hands behind his head like every anime boy, yet he still looks damn good doing it. "Ummm...probably become a bodyguard for Noct since Lady Lunafreya asked me to look after him."

You had found out about the letter from Luna  when the two of you had a sleepover. Sleepy Prompto is very open and very cuddly.

"OooOoo becoming a bodyguard sounds cool. Maybe I'll do that."

His violet eyes become bigger as his grin widens. His mind is already daydreaming about the two of working alongside each other, and starting a relationship with you (a dream he had long before working together had become one).

"We'd be able to stay together" Quickly realizing the implication he corrects himself even though you wouldn't mind being his significant other. "like friends, and make money."

Blushing you reply with "Sounds like a plan."

After composing yourself, you and Prompto head towards the school's entrance telling each other dirty jokes.

"Thanks again for helping me out Pom Pom, I'll see yah tomorrow!"

You wave goodbye to the blonde and start jogging to your house thinking up the same fantasies of working with Prompto as he had done.

If only you knew what the gods had in store for you. Maybe then you would have become an accountant instead of a bodyguard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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