Chapter 20

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Elsa's POV:

I hugged my squad tight.

"It's okay mate, they're in a better place now." Bunny said stroking my head.

I nodded my head and sighed.

Atlas didn't deserve any of this.

The seven of us ate our breakfast with minimal conversation.

Today, we decided to take Jay Park's weapon Master Class. The Master classes were 7 hours long and the only break you had was lunch.

After eating breakfast, we all dressed in light wear and brought our water bottles.

When we entered the outdoor arena, there were about 20 other people in there. I had recognized maybe two or three of them from being on the elevator with us to the fifth floor. The group and I made our way over to the group of strangers. In the middle of the group were a list everybody's names. All of the names had different colours highlighted over them.

We all looked down and saw a bunch of wristbands.

I grabbed a red wristband since my name was highlighted in red. It also had my name on it.

The squad, plus Liliana and Erin also grabbed red.

"Good Morning everyone!" A silky voice boomed.

Everyone's attention turned towards the tall man in an army uniform. His cap was off and his dark brown hair swooped over to one side.

I heard Tooth swoon a bit, and I giggled silently.

But Bunny's expression was priceless.

He watched Tooth admire this attractive Korean man in disbelief.

I snickered and turned my attention to the front of the room.

"Today, I will be teaching you the art of Weaponry. I will also teach you how to use some of these weapons in combat. From there, I will narrow down the group and the select few will endure in a challenge."

I examined my wrist band.

There was a little barcode and an 8 digit long number on it as well.

"Alright everybody. The first weapon we are going to be breaking down is a simple hand gun..."

~Time skip~

It was now time for our lunch break. Instructor Park said that after our break, he will have decided on who has made it to the final round and present the lucky few to their reward.

It has been circulating around that at the end of the week, all of the instructors would meet together and discuss who would make it into the final challenge to compete for the title of Burgees Police Champion and get a free elite pass next year. Erin told me that the Commissioner will call the six up at a meeting on Friday to alert the contestants.

I stuffed the final piece if my sandwich in my mouth and returned back to the outdoor arena.

All I want to say is thank God for the A.C.

If, for some reason the air conditioning stopped working, I swear I would've melted.

When everyone had returned from lunch, we all took our original places.

Instructor Park walked to the front of the arena and tested out this new microphone.

"Can I have numbers





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