Chapter 3

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I stare at the paper. I was stuck. The numbers didn't add up.

I look up at Dak. He's looking at the paper.

"I don't remember what to do." I say.

He reaches for the pencil and our hands touch. He immediately jerks away.

"I..... I'm sorry." I say.

He nods his head and reaches in his backpack for another pencil. Once he finds one he writes an arrow pointing to where I messed up in the problem.

"Oh yea I remember now!" I say as I finish the problem.

He nods and begins packing his things. Then stands up slowly and heads to the door.

"Tomorrow?" I ask.

Once again he nods and he exits closing the door behind him.

I shake my head. I just didn't understand.

Later that day I get a text from Kenzie. There's a party and the guy that I've kinda had a thing for is going to be there.

His name is Manny and he is so gorgeous. Tall, muscular, handsome. He plays running back on the football team.

I almost fly up the stairs to take a shower. After I'm out I put on a tight black party dress with black pumps. I tie my hair in a messy bun with hair falling where my sideburns would be.

After I put on my eyeliner I go downstairs and wait on the couch for Kenzie to pick me up.

An hour later at the party
Me and Kenzie are dancing in a group of people. When I get tapped on the shoulder. When I look Manny is standing there looking down at me.

He says something,but I can't hear him over the loud music.

"What?!" I yell.

He motions for me to follow him and I do through the crowd. We go to the kitchen which is less crowded and not as loud.

"I said you look great." He said.

"Oh thanks." I blush.

We talk for what feels like a few minutes but apparently it had been hours because Kenzie texts me and says she's ready to go.

"Can I have your number?" He asks.

"Sure." He hands me his phone and I type my number and save the contact.

"See you at school beautiful." He says with a wink and walks back to the party.

I can't help but to smile.

I walk outside to Kenzie's car and I get in.

"So girl what happened with Manny?!" Kenzie screams at me.

"We just talked and I gave him my digits. No big." I say smiling. Heck yea it's a big deal! I've liked Manny since the 7th grade when he ran into me on the playground and helped me to the nurse to get a band aid for my knee.

We drove to my house squealing over Manny.

When I got home I collapse on my bed in exhaustion.

My phone vibrates. It's a text from a number I don't have saved.

*Text Message* Hey Skai. It's Manny. Do you want to be my girlfriend?

I almost leap through the ceiling.

I type back: Yes :)

*Text Message from Manny* Awesome. I'll call you tomorrow. ;)

I lay on my bed trying to contain myself. Before I know it I'm fast asleep.
The next week flied by. My schedule became routine. Wake up, school, Manny, tutoring, sleep. Dak always showed up around 4:00.
1 week later. (Friday)
I'm laying in my room throwing a bouncy ball to the floor. Then it bounces off the wall and comes back to me. It's almost 4:30pm when I look at the clock.

"He's late." I whisper. "He's never late."

I stand up and check my phone.

Crap. I never got his number. Sliding my phone back in my pocket, I head downstairs to the kitchen and open the fridge.

I take out a can of Sprite and open it. As I'm taking the first sip the doorbell rings.

I run to the door and open it. There Dak stands. He has bruises on his face and arms. His right eye is swollen shut and his lip is bleeding.

I gasp.

"My goodness what happened?!" I half ask half scream at him.

"Your friends beat me up." He shrugged.

"My friends?" I say confused.

"Jocks." He said like the word taste bad in his mouth. "Especially that beast you call a boyfriend." He says pointing at his eye.

I help him inside and to lay on the couch. Then I run to the kitchen and get 2 bags full of ice.

I come back in the living room and hand him one and I put the other on a bruise on his cheek.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He asks.

"What do you mean? I'm a nice person." I say.

"I see. I always thought you were a stuck up bitch like the rest of the Barbies." He says.

Is that really what they call us? Barbies are cold, hard plastic with no hearts....

"Well I'm sorry they did this to you. Why did they do it?" I ask.

"Just because they're jerks."

I truly feel bad for Dak. He's a sweet guy he wouldn't hurt a fly.

He lifts his shirt to put the bag of ice on a giant bruise on his stomach. I can tell his arm hurts from moving it.

"Here let me." I say and I move his hand away and hold the ice.

We sit there for about an hour. He falls asleep on my couch. Eventually the bruises and the swelling has gone down so I put the ice away.

I lay on the floor by the couch to watch TV and before I know it I fall asleep.

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