𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖞 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖙

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𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖞 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖙

𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 i woken up there was no sound I put on my red and gold gown and my golden crown I walked out like I usual do and seen everyone still in there places and Larry down by the desk the only thing I think of is the tablet

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𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 i woken up there was no sound I put on my red and gold gown and my golden crown I walked out like I usual do and seen everyone still in there places and Larry down by the desk the only thing I think of is the tablet

I run to the pharaoh tumb and see there is no tablet "oh no" I spit I quickly run back hearing my heel quickly click on the floor and my dress blow in the wind from running

"Larry!" Larry and a small boys whips there heads up "you need to see this" Larry and the small boy run up and they follow me

"The Tablet it's gone" I nod my head the young boy was still not buying it and was confused on what we where talking out

"What's gone" the small boy huffed stay by the entrance of the exhibit while me and Larry walk towards the tumb of the pharaoh

"The tablet. I think someone has stole it" the small child was still in disbelief I shake my head and follow Larry as we jog closer to where the tablet once was

"Yeah right" the boy spat still not wanting to believe Larry I huff and look at the hole in the wall which was once filled with the table

"I'm not kidding Nicky" Larry sighs and we turn around and the small child who's name I have now learned is Nicky is gone "Nicky!, Hey Nicky!, Hey!, hey, Nicky! Where are you going"

We followed young Nicky down the first set of stairs "home." He huffs as he stops half way down the stairs

"come on young boy your talking to a wit h princess right now that is only awake right now because of her ruby necklace" he shrugs it off

"wait a minute" Larry stops as well he goes to speak more but stops and looks out the window and i follow his action there was movement from the storage room "come on" larry heads down the rest of the stairs

We run down the halls passed all the exhibit and make it to the storage room we head in and me and Larry go to the right while little Nicky goes to the left

"You guys shouldn't be here" a voice booms which pulls us all out of what we where sound and cause us to spin around, Cecil.

"Give is the Tablet son" I look at who's voice echos off the walls, Reginald, all I was waiting for was short stick, Gus.

"Wait a minute, what are you guys doing" Larry walks in front of Nicky and so do I since I had a big gown on it covered him up

"We're Not going to hurt you, give us the tablet" there he was the short stick, bad tempered old man, Gus

"I'm sorry to tell you this, son, but your dad doesn't work her no more, he got fired this morning couldn't hack it" Cecil lies to young Nicky

"Dad? I thought you said you weren't fired" Nickys words come out of his mouth and he sounds hurt by what Cecil said

"I did Nicky. They're lying, trying to to steal the thing, just turn the middle piece you'll see what i'm taking about" Larry looks at Nicky

"That is Museum property, son, give it back." Cecil spits I shake my head and look at Nicky he looks at me I nod my head

"Nicky trust me. Just turn the middle piece" Nicky looks at Larry unsure of what to do

"Give us the tablet!" Gus spat at Nicky startling him Nicky still looked at Larry

"Nicky trust me" Nicky looks at me I nod again he looks down at the tablet and turns the middle piece the tablet glows making nickys face go golden

Me and Larry turn around to the old night guards cracking their bones, then text roared, then the elephant trumpeting "nick, run, now"

I pushed Nicky in front of me and lifted my dress up and ran with Nicky in front of me "get back here, kid!" Gus spat at us

We just kept running we ran out and into the lobby "up here young nick" he followed me "here in the pharaohs exhibit" we ran in and behind a pillar soon being stopped by Cecil and thrown to the floor

"Thank you we will take it from here" Cecil turns around and heads towards the exit of the exhibit I hear Larry shout for Nicky Cecil grabs Larry a keys and flips him around "just in time, Larry, we were just locking up"

"Sleep tight hotshot" Gus snaps I shoot yo and head towards them I don't care how old they are I'm going to punch them so that's what I done I punched Gus right in his stupid face

"Who's the one laughing now bitch" they walk away knowing they A. Can't do anything to royalty and B. To a girl as well

Larry soon shoots up ans shouts teddy "did someone call my name" nick was mesmerised "Theodore Roosevelt at your service"

"Teddy can you get us out of here" Larry interrupts the moment

"Can't do it man. This is your moment" teddy smiles from up on Texas

"Will you save the lectures, please? I'm not you. Okay? I didn't build the Panama Canal, I wasn't president of the United States! I need some help come on"

Teddy look down and takes off his glasses "actually...I never did those things. Teddy Roosevelt did. I was made in a mannequin factory in Poughkeepsie, I never shot a wild beast, I'm not even brave enough to tell that beautiful women I love her, but you...you gotta finish the job this time you can't quit. I'm made of wax Larry. What are you made of"

Teddy started to ride off on Texas "whoa, wait! That's all you got for me" Larry leans more against the gate that traps up in

"That's it" teddy shouts as he disappears around the corner, we turn around to see the Jackals stand in front of us ready to attack us I look at Larry and I try to stop them but because of my violent act before and Larry s shouting they don't trust us

Hey author here
please tell me how this chapter was and what need to be done to make you guys like it I don't want to make something you guys don't like don't forget to
•tell me if you like this story

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