Chapter 18

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Klaus glanced over to Hayley who was still in a state of shock. They both knew the baby was coming sooner or later but with all the recent distractions they felt unprepared for this exact moment. Hayley suddenly began to panic as she was unsure of what to do. Her contractions were gradually becoming more painful so Klaus wrapped his arm around her waist and held her up as she became weak. "It's too soon," she said as she took a deep breath as she attempted to calm herself down. "She isn't due for another few weeks," She said, looking down at the wet floor then back at Klaus who had a bit of a surprised look on his face.

"It's a girl?" he asked as a small smile grew on his face. "You never told me," he said as he put a strand of Hayley's dark brown hair behind her ear.

Hayley smiled and looked down at her belly. "Yeah it's a girl," she said, softly caressing her bump. "I went to the clinic a month ago and they told me but I wanted you to be surprised," she said softly, turning to check back on his expression. Fortunately that small distraction was able to calm Hayley down for a moment.

Klaus slightly leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly. "We should head to the hospital," he remarked as he pulled out his phone. "I'll have a car outside for us right now," he said. Before Hayley could even get a word in, Klaus was gone, quickly going into the nursery and grabbing the hospital bag that had been packed and ready months in advance. Hayley was impressed by what she saw. She never really thought Klaus could be so calm and ready in a moment like this. "Let's go have our baby girl," he said as he opened his arm for Hayley to link hers.


Once they arrived at the hospital Hayley was quickly admitted and put in a private room to wait for her contractions to become closer together. She laid upright on her bed and attempted to remain as calm as possible although the pain was starting to get worse. "Um Klaus?" she said turning to look at him. Klaus was sitting in the arm chair beside her bed, holding her hand. "Do you think you can distract me?" she begged as she winced in pain.

"Have you thought of any potential baby names?" he asked. "Let's just say all the names that come to mind and we'll give our brutally honest opinions on them," he suggested.

Hayley nodded her head in agreement and began to think. Another sharp pain began to hit her and she closed her eyes. "Um Angela," she spat out without thinking.

"Too middle-aged woman," he said in disagreement. He began softly stroking Hayley's arm trying to make her feel more comfortable through the pain she was enduring. "How about Zoe?"

"No, too basic," she remarked. She held Klaus' hand tighter and clenched her jaw as the pain began getting more and more unbearable. "This isn't working Klaus," she said as she began taking longer deep breaths.

"Just keep going love," he replied as he continued to hold onto her hand and stroke her arm with his other.

"Okay um how about Caitlyn," she suggested. She squeezed his hand and looked up at the ceiling. "Klaus I don't think I can do this," she said before he could say anything about the baby name. "I'm scared to be a mother, I don't even know what a loving mother is even like," she said worriedly.

"Don't worry love you're going to be great," he reassured her. They both sat there in silence for a moment until Klaus looked admiringly at Hayley. "How about Hope?" he said softly.

"Hope," Hayley repeated in order to hear what it sounded like coming from her voice. "I love it," she said looking back at him with a cheeky smile.

"Then Hope it is." Klaus smiled and pulled her hand to his lips, leaving her a tender kiss. "You're going to be the most amazing mother Hayley. I know you will," he stated.

"Well you better be right because I think she's coming," she said. Not even a few minutes passed and Hayley was officially about to deliver her baby. A team of nurses and doctors that Klaus had compelled earlier came in to delivery room. Klaus didn't want anyone to know about their whereabouts in the hospital especially since Tyler Lockwood was out for revenge so he compelled them all to forget what they saw once Hope was delivered.

After a couple agonizing pushes and lot of exhaustion, a beautiful blue eye'd baby girl was born. "Here's your baby girl," said one of the nurses as she carefully handed Hayley her baby to Hayley. "Now she's a bit premature, but it looks to me like she's still healthy," the nurse explained.

Hayley delicately held Hope in her arms and admired her tiny features. "She has your eyes," she remarked as she looked over at Klaus who was beaming with joy. She had never seen Klaus more in love with someone than he was with his baby girl. "Do you want to hold her?" she asked Klaus who was still in awe.

"I'd love to," he replied with a gentle smile. Hayley carefully handed Hope over to him. She was so tiny compared to his arms that wrapped her close to him. "She's absolutely beautiful," he said before looking up at Hayley. "Just like you," he added.

The moment was over when a nurse came in to get Hope. "I'm sorry but we're going to go clean her up, but she'll be back soon enough," she said as she took Hope from Klaus' arms.

Hayley's eyes darted over to Klaus. "Wait, Klaus you can't let them take her. I don't trust them," she said as she became paranoid with the idea of Hope leaving her side.

"Don't worry little wolf, she's going to be okay," Klaus said in a calm manner. "I'll be by her side every second and she'll back with you in no time," he said reassuring her.

Hayley watched as he left the room, following closely behind the nurse who was holding Hope in her arms. She took a deep breath of relief and looked up at the ceiling. An overwhelming feeling of delight came over her and she still couldn't believe the outcome even though they were some of the most difficult months of her life. The door creaked back open and she sprung back up, feeling elated to be able to hold Hope in her arms once again but that feeling quickly went away when she saw who was standing in the room.

"Tyler?" Hayley said, as her heart sunk at the sight of him. She stood up from her bed and held the call light button in her hand. "What do you want?"

Tyler smirked as he stood in front of her door, blocking her only exit. "Congrats on the baby Hayley," he said with sarcasm in his voice. "Boy or girl?" he asked as he took a few steps closer to her. "Actually I really don't care," he said with a spiteful chuckle.


Klaus carefully watched in the corner as the nurses bathed Hope. Her little cries filled the small room as she was getting scrubbed from head to toe. Her delicate little body was then dried off and wrapped in a soft baby pink swaddle. They gently handed her back to Klaus and her little cries subsided as she felt the strong arms of her father. He smiled at the sight if her and laid a soft kiss on her forehead. He made his way back to the room with Hope in his arms and to his surprise he found it empty. All there was left in the room was blood on the floor, that was not there before he left, with no sign of Hayley.


AN: Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter! As always please leave me any feedback and suggestions!!


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