Chapter 2

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One and a half months later, the diplomatic delegation from Chen Country had already left the borders of Dayue. The emperor had also led his ministers and subjects out for the annual spring hunt, and would only return to the capital after two weeks. This was the opportune time, and hence Chen Lan started to enact his escape plan. The night he was to set off, Jin Xiu went meet him, bringing with her a large cloth bundle. The bundle was stuffed with dribs and drabs, Jin Xiu droned on without end, saying how this was what Chen Ruo liked to eat, and how this was the book he spent a long time looking for, this pair of fitting shoes were made for him by the most talented palace attendants.....

Then she suddenly paused in her speech, only rubbing her eyes repeatedly.

Chen Lan seemed to assume that she was about to cry, but Jin Xiu didn't, merely repeating her motion of rubbing her eyes.

Chen Lan remained silent for a moment. He extended his hand and wrapped the items one by one before placing them into her hands.

The teenager who was only one year older then her asked, did she want to go together?

Jin Xiu fell into a daze and she stared fixedly at him with a pair of eyes that could not see but were beautifully framed with mist. Chen Lan repeated his question once more.

Did she want to leave with him? To Chen Country, to meet Chen Ruo?

To be with the youth she loved, the one with that one of a kind voice.

Inside her pitch-black vision, it she felt as though...

She could give her life to the one she loves. Even if there came a day of heartless abandonment, there would be no regrets.

This was her wish and something that Chen Ruo never told her.

She knew Chen Lan was standing before her, reaching out his hands to her.

Beneath the snow-colored sleeves, a warm, jade-like finger gently joined Chen Lan's hand. She smiled, her bliss akin to that of blooming flowers. Tears flowed without any warning.

"Mm... I'll leave with you," she said, tears accompanying her faint smile.

The two of them set off on their road to escape, each dressed simply.

This escape was even swifter than what Chen Lan imagined it to be. He had already made preparations for the additional burden, but in reality, that blind girl who had been pampered in the court was strong, even though she was weak.

There were no complaints, no dissatisfaction. She learned prudently every time she encountered unfamiliar circumstances. When she fell, she would pick herself up. If she was sick or injured, she would clench her teeth and endure, bent on not affecting their journey. And every time she knew that she would cause a delay, she would not put on a brave front.

Jin Xiu was the strongest girl he had met thus far.

Once, Chen Lan carelessly mentioned this. At that time, they were having a meal inside a guesthouse. When she heard him say that, Jin Xiu giggled.

It was because she yearned to see Chen Ruo... Since she had been clinging tightly onto Chen Lan on horseback, her fingers were blistered due to the coarse cloth and she could not grip onto her chopsticks properly. She said this in a soft voice and her face which was as fair as white jade flashed a sweet and silly smile. After that, she quietened once more. She rubbed her eyes slowly, her voice low.

"Because I'm... my father his majesty's daughter... I have already let him down... At the very least, when it comes to the things I can do, I should not let him suffer from shame."

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