Chapter 8.

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I share a room with Abigail, Amanda, Selena, and Emma Stone.

Selena and I clicked right away. We found we share a love for music as she also sing and performs at her local town and she also an actress for her local theater.

I don't think we even have a theater in my town. We have small coffee shops where singers and guitarist play everywhere. That's mostly what everyone does for a living. We are sharing how each of our state and towns is so different from one another.

"Did they raise your rankings? They did for me." Selena said.

"They did!?" Emma shouted in shock.

"I was a five. They raise me to a three." Selena said.

"They raised me as well." I said.

"They didn't for me." Emma said.

"They didn't raise me." Abigail said.

"Why us then?" Selena asked.

"They or Prince Joe must somehow already like you both before he even meets us?" Emma asked.

"Why? Why rise our ranks before he even meets us? He has to not like some of us. After all half of us is going to leave by next week." I said

"I don't know. Let's just take this one day at a time." Selena said.

As we walk to our room all of us are talking to each other how crazy this whole experience is.

"I've never even been in a fancy restaurant being in the castle is this this is insane." Abigail said looking around the huge haul ways and massive window's with large curtains.

Everything is so clean and all of the flowers are freshly cut I can't even find a spot of dirt on the ground anywhere.

"Same here. I've never imagined I would even get picked." Selena said.

"I didn't think I would get picked either. I was shocked when they announced my name on the television. I blacked out," I said and laughed.

We arrived at the room we where told to be at and we knocked on the door, two maid's opened the door and they both smiled at us.

"Hello girls!" The blonde women said.

"We are your maid's. I'm Laura and this is Riley." She said.

The red head Riley spoke up, "We are here to help your every need. Help prepare your gown's, help tidy your room's, anything you need we are here."

"Wow." Selena said in shock.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"Which one is our bed's?" Emma asked.

"We thought you girls would like to pick them out." Riley said.

I got the bed closest to the window, Selena got the bed on the left side of the room and Emma got the bed on the left. We all start to unpack our stuff, mostly all of our pictures of our family's and I put my pen and song book note pad away in the drawer next to my bed.

"Let's prepare you all for dinner." Riley said.

Riley and Laura helped us get into our gowns, I whore a pink dress, Selena wore a dark blue dress and Emma wore a orange dress.


I stared at myself in the mirror by my bed and I swirled around in the dress and I tried not to fall over in the high heals.

We arrived at dinner and some of the girls are already seated. We all sat down together and we where by some other girls I recognized but I haven't introduced myself set to them.

As we all walked into the main ballroom haul and there is huge tables set up with all of our plates set up very fancy.

At the end of the table the man we first met when we arrived is standing there watching us as we walked in,

"Hello girls please sit down and we will help you prepare how to properly eat and other dinner manners of the royal family." The man said.

As they where explaining which spoon goes with what dish and what fork should be used for salad and what other fork should be used as the main meal I zoomed out of it.

I tried to pay attention but they rambled on and on about the importance of proper manners and only eat after the royal family takes the first bite of their food.

Why do we need to learn all of the different utensils?

I look over down at the table to see the girls sitting next to Kendal and she is already eating. The girls next to her follows her and picked up the small fork first and begin to eat.

All of the girls quickly follow each other and I picked up the small fork as well and begin to eat.

As we where eating dinner they explained more rules at the dinner table. And we are not along to get up and leave the table until the king and queen and prince joe is finished eating.

We won't meet them until tomorrow night.

After dinner we walked into a room with a television to watch the IIlena report.

The royal theme song started to play and some of the girls shouted in excitement.

"All 35 girls are already in the palace tonight and they will meet the king queen and Prince Joe tomorrow.

Let's see the girls arriving at the palace and see how the girls act to the crowds at the airport.

"They all seem happy to see the crowd but one girl in the group react connected to the crowd and the crowd didn't want her to leave either." The announcer said and they showed me with the crowd and I gasped.

The girls looked at me and continued to look at the tv,

"She seems very comfortable with being in the public eyes already. Who is she?" another anchor asked.

"Taylor Swift a she is also a great public speaker with her speech to her home state at their send off."

"Wow she seems like a girl to keep our eyes on." the man said and he continued to talk about the next girl.

But instead of everyone continuing watching the television set all of the girls where looking at me especially Kendel who is giving me a dirt look.

"Well that was a lovely report. Come girls let's get you all to bed for tomorrow. We have another busy day." The man said and we all got up and walked back to our rooms.

Once Selena, Abigail, Emma, Amanda and I where in our pajamas we are all in our beds but still wide awake,

"Why do they already like me?" I asked.

"That's a good thing right? Queen America was very good with the public." Selena said.

"Yeah I guess but have you seen the way the other girls already look at me? They look like they want to pull out my hair." I said.

"They are just jealous because you are already having this much attention on you." Amanda said.

"I'll just have more eyes on me when I mess up." I said.

"We will all mess up on something as the days go on. We just need to learn everything that we can so we go as far as we can." Abigail said.

"I feel like my head is already about to explode with all of the rules we have to follow. I feel like I'll be throne out just my breathing." I said.

"Let's just get sleep so we have enough energy tomorrow. We need all of the rest we can get for the next few days." Selena said.

"You're right. Goodnight everyone." I said.

"Night." Selena said.

"Good night." Abigail said.

I stared at the ceiling until I eventually drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note

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