What do I say? | Chapter Three

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Drew's PoV

I sighed thinking and rethinking the outcomes of me saying yes or no. Liam and Henry's gazes bore into my back making me feel pressured.

Hailey looked me in my dark eyes and repeated her question, "Will you join?" 

I thought about saying yes but knew I couldn't let Liam and Henry know my love for piano. I looked Hailey in the eyes and took a deep breath, ready to say no.

"Yes." I said, shocking me, Hailey, Liam, and Henry. "W-WAIT! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT." I screamed trying to fix my words.

Liam tapped me on the shoulder and I looked at him, my face showing a fearful expression.

"What do you mean yes?!" He asked me, confused.

I looked from Hailey, to Liam, to Henry, all three of them looking extremely confused. Not knowing what to say to fix this mess I ran off, not looking where I was going. I bumped into someone and without looking up mumbled, "Sorry"

"W-what are you doing?!" A male voice asked as I tried to get passed. The guy lifted my head and I saw his Lilac eyes stare into my own. 

"Z-ZANDER?!" I screamed realizing who it was. My face turned bright red and I tried to run past but Zander stopped me.

He stared into my eyes and spoke, "You like music." He said without looking away from me. I moved away from his tight grip on my arm and blushed.

"N-no! I don't know what your talking about." I said not looking Zander in the face.

Zander lifted my head and looked at me. 

"I-I had a dream and- " Zander stuttered. He looked away from me nervously. "Y-you came into the music room t-to audition a-and..." I saw his eyes move to me and then back down. "I yelled at you... I had no control over my actions but- I-I yelled at you to get out... y-you said you played piano... a-and I yelled at you..." I looked at Zander, remembering my dream from that morning.

I looked at Zander, "I-I had the same dream." 

Zander looked at me confused, "R-really? Jake said he had a weird dream...."

We stood there in silence as students walked past, going to class. Suddenly the bell rang and I quickly ran off to class leaving Zander alone in the hallway. 

We shared a dream. We shared a dream! WE SHARED A DREAM! I thought in my head, running towards class. I reached class and walked in. For some reason, it felt like everyone was staring at me. They were all whispering and I could hear them talking about me. It felt like I was in a living nightmare. Ignoring the feelings, I sat in my seat next to Jake. Then I noticed my mp3 and earbuds were gone. I raised my hand and the feeling of being stared at got more intense, as if now they were watching my every move.

"Yes Drew?" The teacher asked. She was writing a math problem on the board.

"I just realized I lost something important. May I go look for it?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"Sorry but i'm in the middle of a lesson which will be on the test tomorrow. Please focus and you can get it after class." She replied.

I nodded in response. The feeling of people whispering about me and watching everything I did never went away that day. Even when I got home and there was no one home except my cat. To try to calm down I held my cat close to my face and snuggled with him. Then I layed back on the couch and sighed. By the time I got out of class my mp3 was gone. I even checked the office and the lost and found.

Someone probably stole it. It's an expensive one after all... I decided. Then there was a knock at the door.

"It's open. Come on in." I yelled. The door opened and Jake, Liam, and Henry were standing there. 

"Oh hi guys. I didn't think you were going to come today." I said, nervously hiding the music I was writing.

Jake looked confused, "But you invited us-?"

"O-oh right! I must have forgotten." I stammered.

"Really? Alright then- so uh- we're going to your room, right?" Jake said. 

OH SHOOT. MY ROOM! I thought.

"Oh uh- y-yeah sure. Just give me a second to get it ready." I said nervously.

They nodded and I walked up to my room to get it ready. I looked around my room. It was a plain color and had a very simple setup. If not for the various piano trophies, music posters, and stuffed animals littered around the room it would probably pass as a guest room that was in use. I quickly picked up the music trophies and set them on my dresser, behind my school books. Then I picked up the stuffed animals and put them in a box under my bed. When I had finished with those I looked at the walls with my music posters.

 Hmmmm- what should I do with them-?  I wondered. I digged through my closet to see if I could find some random posters and then stuck those on top of the music ones.

"Perfect." I mumbled to myself. Then I walked back downstairs. "Okay guys, you can come to my room now." 

We all walked up to my room in silence. It was extremely awkward until we reached my room and Henry jumped onto my bed and grabbed a Luni-Box controller.

"LET'S PLAY!" He yelled, looking ready to fight someone.

I laughed, "Alright let me turn on the TV."

I walked up to the TV and turned it on. Now the TV I have in my room automatically goes to the last thing I had been watching and that just happened to be The Voice.

(A/N: The voice is the only music TV show I could think of so- ye. Plus it's good so there unu.)

I quickly changed the input to the one for the Luni-Box and then laughed awkwardly, "Oh uh- my mom must have been watching stuff on my TV again."

Jake, Henry, and Liam were just quiet, clearly waiting for me to start the game. I grabbed my player one controller and started scrolling through the games.

"What do you guys want to play?" I asked them.

"Uh- Among Us!" Henry said, seeing the Among Us game.

Jake took out his phone, "I can ask the music club to join us."

I looked at Jake, "Uh- sure. I'll text Zoey and see if she wants to join."

Within seconds after I had started the game everyone had joined.

(A/N: here are the character's among us usernames uwu

Jake - Cheese (Yellow character)

Drew - DragonFruit (curtesy of Jake's suggestion, Red Character)

Zander - notagrape (Purple Character)

Zoey - PopularGirl (Pink Character)

Lia - Hawt (Magenta Character)

Henry - Lettuce (Lime Green Character)

Liam - Cookie (Brown Character)

Hailey - Blueberry (Dark Blue Character)

Sean - Sean (Black Character)

Luke - Angel (curtesy of Zander uwu, White Character)

The next chapter will be a cute little extra of them all playing Among Us. Enjoy!)

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