Chapter 2: New Home

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My mind can't take any of this event happening to me right now. I have no idea how I got involve in my dads previous work. As if he ever told me about it. Maybe that's what I thought, I remember he use to tell some bed time stories. Those stories are so realistic that I wish I was my dad. He even made a little storybook about it. But for some reason I can't find it anymore.

And now here I am, riding the same helicopter that my dad use to ride before he dies. You might be wondering where we are right now. On the day that old geezer came to my school he immediately took all of my belongings in my apartment and just drag me with him, without even hearing my answer.

Even though I have the rights to shout or call for help, as if anyone will come and help me. So I just let him adduct me for some reason. The sound of the helicopter landing made me flinch. I look back into reality and prepare myself.

ManWe arrive Kid.
Pilot: We arrive at site-25. Waiting for approval to open the gates.

As he spoke I hear a large metal thing opens beneath us. After 10mins of stuck inside of the helicopter just to land into the platform. A group of swat peoples start to walk towards us.

SWAT Leader: Welcome back Doc. Clef. A new message from the O5's. You need to report as soon as possible.

I heard it. Now now.. It seems he's name was Clef after all this fuss. He didn't even tell me his name after that ruckus. I'm pissed.

You: All this time you never mentioned your name to me old man. Because of that remark the swat leader look at me. 

I felt a tension suddenly rise up because of it. The other member of the swat also look at me. This old geezer suddenly scratch its back because of the sudden change of the atmosphere. 

Clef:  cuff* cuff*  (he breaks the tension).  I assumed I don't need to tell you my name, after all you just heard  it.

YouNice talking old man.... I glared at him.

The swat squad seems to be confused on how I interact with him. They look puzzled.

Clef: Kid follow me. I need you to behave and do not attempt to do stupid things while we are here. This place will be you new environment. I need you to learn everything until the higher ups decide to move you somewhere else. He whisper "keep safe".

I didn't hear the last sentence he said. But I felt I've become a some kind of a animal from what he state.

You: sure I said in a monotone voice..


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