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When she finally opens her eyes, Wren is greeted by darkness. Panic floods her system as she finds herself unable to move her arms tied behind her back. She's sitting on something hard, something that feels like a bag covering her head. Hyperventilating, she takes deep breaths And tries to remember what happened.

Where am I? Her mind instantly comes up with a thousand ideas as she wiggles her hands, her wrists cuffed by what feels like zip ties. "Hello?" She chances to call, knowing it probably isn't the greatest idea.

"Shut up." Something smacks into her forehead, pushing her head back until it hits something hard. A wall. Wren quiets herself, wanting to call out and see if her mother is there. Instead, the girl bites into her lip as she listens carefully.

Distantly she can hear overlapping voices, but wherever she is remains silent. She wiggles her hands more, trying to find a way to escape her restraints. The zip ties cut into Wren's skin, making her eyes water in pain.

"We ready?" Someone asks, and a beat of silence passes before suddenly there is a hand grabbing at the fabric of her shirt. She's pulled off the ground, struggling to her her feet under her before whoever it is lets go. As she stands, her head begins to pound painfully.

A hand pushes against her back between her shoulder blades, getting her to step foreward in the direction of,,, something. Wren grits her teeth as she lets herself be led towards whatever hell awaits her. Suddenly, the hand grabs the back of her shirt to stop her. "Got it," someone says, and the sound of a door clicking open echoes around them.

The voices get louder and she's being pushed foreward, light filling her vision through whatever blind through the sack over her head. She's lead further, the voices slowly quieting to whispers as they go. "Stairs," a voice calls just before Wren trips over herself at a random step.

A hand in her shirt catches her before she can, and Wren is hurried the rest of the way up the stairs. As she is led, Wren begins to realize where they must be. The trial, the aquarium- Joel! Could Ellie be here too? Wren's thoughts whirl as she is brought to a stop.

Impact hits the back of her left knee, and she falls naturally to one knee. She quickly moves the other until she is kneeling, her body shaking as she realizes what is happening. Dina was right this isn't a trial, it's an execution.

The bag over her head is ripped away, and Wren has to squint as light assaults her eyes. She blinks rapidly to adjust her vision, her heart dropping as she looks around the thundering room. She seems to be kneeling on a stage of sorts, and across the room are rows and rows of stands, completely filled with WLF soldiers. 'Fuck." Wren shivers in fear, ice filling her viens as she looks to see who's beside her.

Tears begin to form in her eyes as she looks to her left, the sight of her mother's gaunt face enough to make any ounce of hope that she once had dissapear. Her mother is kneeling a few feet away, bound just like her daughter. Her chin is tilted up in defiance, but Wren can see the way her lower lip trembles.

"Mom," Wren whispers, only to be smacked in the back of the head by a hard object. The soldiers behind her lets out a small warning for her to stay quiet and Wren has to bite her lip to keep from responding. She looks past her mother to see a man she doesn't recognize, bald, and wearing a red robe.

"Ladies and gentleman!" A man suddenly announces, stepping up onto the stage with a microphone. He has deep brown skin, and looks at the crowd with a wide smile. "Thank you for attending this trial, I know many of you would rather be preparing." Wren's face morphs into confusion at that statement. Preparing for what? She watches the dark skinned man walk towards them, looking at three.

"These traitors, are going to get just what they deserve." He spits, turning back to the crowd. "And we have one woman to thank for that- come on, Abby." At the sound of her name Wren's eyes widen, before narrowing in anger.

The blonde woman appears at the side of the stage, slowly walking up the steps with her hair in a braid. She crosses her muscled arms, walking towards the dark skinned man with a self satisfied grin. She doesn't glance at the three kneeling people as she meets him. "This woman, and her bravery, are the reason we found the original traitor- and capturing him brought us two more!"

The man waves his hand, and Wren turns to her right to watch as someone is wheeled onto the stage- and it takes her a moment to recognize them as Joel. 'Ellie- she didn't, she didn't make it? Do they have her somewhere too?!' Wren's pulse quickens as Joel approaches, the soldier wheeling him stopping beside Wren before tilting the chair up. Wren watches in horror as Joel tumbles out of it, landing on the floor in a heap of limbs. "This, my friends, is where we get true justice!"

Wren looks at Joel, eyes wide. "Joel." She hisses, hoping to catch his attention. She has to know if Ellie is, is- if she's dead. Wren tries to keep herself from crying, not wanting to shop weakness in the face of these soldiers. Joel doesn't respond as the soldier behind him yanks him off the ground, positioning him until he's sitting up.

"This serephite!" The dark skinned man says, catching Wren's attention as he walks towards the red robed man. "He killed two of our best soldiers- and his group killed countless others!" The crowd cheers, screaming and filling the room with so much noise Wren's temple throbs.

"This woman!" The man moves onto Wren's mother, grabbing a fistful of her hair to drag her head upwards. "She hid an immune from the fireflies- and helped their extinction." He sneers in her face, and once again the crowd shouts profanities. Wren's mom only squares her jaw, staring the man in the face.

"This girl." He snaps his gaze in Wren's direction, and she waits to see what he has to say. "Not only did she help the wolf kill your brothers and sisters." He releases her mother, walking towards the brunette with a sinister sneer. For a moment, Wren thinks he'll tell everyone what she is. "She broke into the hospital and killed Jordan and Nora." The crowd screams as the man looks into her eyes. They widen as he turns to Joel, looking at his body on the floor.

"And this man, he may be the sickest of them all." The room quiets to hear what the dark skinned man has to say. "He was the one who destroyed the fireflies and aided in harboring an immune girl- he killed your families and destroyed your futures!" He turns to the crowd, who scream and pound their feet against the floor. "And for these reasons- they must face justice!"

As soon as the words leave the air, Wren feels something hard and cold press into the back of her head. A gun. She swallows the lump in her throat, knowing what's about to happen. Am i afraid to die? Her mind whispers, a question she isn't sure how to answer. The only other thought on her mind is Ellie and if she- Wren looks over at her mother, who already has eyes on her daughter.

I love you. The older woman mouths, a small smile on her face. Wren's body turns to ice as she faces forwards again, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Fire!" And just as he gives the command, the entire building rocks with an explosion as the wall to their left blows inwards.

Why the frick did i pay for wattpad premium u ask? Because i wanted to read my spiderman fic without ads. Anyways, WE R GETTING SO CLOSE TO THE ENDING IM GONNA TRY AND FINISH IT TODAY AGHHHHHHHH

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