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//Matt's prospective//

"Yes mom my day was quite interesting... I met this girl you see" I add into the cell phone in which I use to pretty much only call my mother.

"She was intelligent,beautiful,humble and the way she expressed her need for art was breath taking" I slightly chuckle to myself as I look up at the t.v screen playing some slap-stick comedy.

"But enough about me, how's dad?" I ask receiving a few mumbles of he's good and how his work is.

"Alright mom love you too. Sleep tight" I say into the phone and hang up.

I get up from my small couch and place down my bowl of Lo mein and walk off to my bedroom in my nicely sized apartment in New York City.

I quickly brushed my teeth as I changed into my boxers and crawled into my bed, falling asleep only thinking about the girl I met today.

// okay,okay so If you read my other book you might know I was gonna come out with a story called 'lucy' but then I came up with this and from my audience currently I think that you'd like it Better so Yeah! Enjoy please and don't forget to vote and comment💖 - Hannah //

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