Chpt 2; The drama starts here

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" That Flash ass. "

I rolled my eyes at her reply, along with Applejack and the rest of our friends.

I love Rainbows personality, and her protectiveness, and how she loves helping out, when she's mad like this she can get really pissed.

" Ah don't think we should interfere with all this babe. Ah mean, it ain't are business. " Applejack placed her hand onto Rainbows shoulder and looked into her eyes.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and let out a huge groan before ripping the page.

" I never get to do anything fun, anymore. " Rainbow groaned as she threw her head back.

" Babe, you can have fun~ " Applejack teased in a flirtatious tone causing Rainbows cheeks to go bright red.

I chuckled at the two lovers, soon after we all heard the bell go off. I once again heard the idiot of the group groan again, but this time louder.

" What class do you girls have? " Fluttershy spoke up, after not talking half this time.

" Oh crap Flutters, I forgot you were here you were so quiet. " Rainbow joked with the shy girl before jumping up to her, helping her lover up afterwards. " But I got Math. "

" I have Science. " Our purple haired friend spoke up.

" I have Gym. " I said still in a broken voice, I was still butt hurt over this whole Flash Sentry situation.

" Ah also have math. "

" AYE I'M NOT ALONE IN MY CLASS LOSERS, SUCK MY DICK. " Rainbow cheered while doing her stupid 'victory' dance.

" You didn't let Pinkie say where's she at. " I butter into her victory, hoping that Pinkie would say one of our classes.

Sadly it wasn't, it was actually none of our classes, which is sad because now I can't brag to Dash.

" I have Social Studies. " Rarity's lover cheered.

Suddenly a teacher barged through the bathroom door to yell at us, Fluttershy was heard to be whimpering.

" ALL OF YOU GET TO CLASS, RAINBOW DASH YOU ALREADY GOT YOURSELF A DETENTION DO YOU NEED ANOTHER ONE? " The teacher yelled in one gasp of breath, and I won't I held back laughter at Dash's part.

" Oh shit, lets go Apples. " Rainbow grabbed her future wife's hand and the both made their way to class.

After everyone else was gone, I gave the bathroom once last look before walking out of the washroom to head to class before I get into more shit.

Once I got half way to class I heard another familiar, and no, it wasn't Rainbow, nor Applejack nor any of my friends, it was actually someone I hated.

" Well, if it isn't the bully herself, Sunset Shimmer. " The annoying idiot named Trixie called out.

I looked back and rolled my eyes, I then just ignored the idiot and started walking to class.

" Hey, don't ignore my friend idiot. " I heard another familiar voice, but this one isn't a voice I wanna be familiar with.

I turned around to see no other then Starlight Glimmer, Trixie's best friend. They're both idiots, even bigger idiots when put together.

" Leave me alone.. I need to get to class. " I mumbled, they probably couldn't hear me.

" Speak up, idiot. " Starlight demanded with a scary look on her face, it honestly sent shivers down my spine.

" I- " before I could even reply to her I heard someone cut me off, with-

" She said leave her alone. " A raspy voice called out from behind the scene, I looked behind us to Rainbow and Applejack standing there.

" I- what are you gonna do about it, Crash? " Trixie asked trying to look and sound scary, but Dash wasn't buying it.

" Oh you don't wanna know, trust me hun. " Rainbow laughed in a sinister way before letting go of Applejacks hand and walking towards the two idiots.

Trixie look into Rainbows angered eyes, her angered magenta eyes. Rainbow was smiling in a creepy way, like as if she was about to kill someone which she might.

I just looked at Applejack and the both of us just stared at each other with a scared expression.

" Pfft, what are you capable of doing, Crash. " Starlight laughed before shoving Rainbow.

Right then and there I could tell Rainbow has had enough, she just smiled and ended up delivering a huge punch into Starlights stomach, causing her to cough in pain.

Trixie delivered a punch back Rainbows face but before she could, Rainbow caught her fist and used her free hand to punch Trixie in the face.

Soon after Rainbow did win but they really did get good hits on Dash, but Rainbow won those two girls gave up, and went to class.

I immediately ran up to Rainbow and hugged her tightly, she hugged back in slight confusion.

" Thank you, Rainbow Dash. " I was literally crying over this, why does Rainbow have to be so protective dammit.

" No problem, dude. " Rainbow laughed while tapping my back.

" Get to class. " we heard a teacher say after walking past us.

" Dash, lets go now. " Applejack grabbed a hold of Rainbow's hand and they began walking off.

Seeing them together honestly makes me jealous, because it makes me think of stupid Flash.

No but seriously they're so close, like Flash and I used to be, man I miss him he treated me so well, and I still love him.

When I started walking to class I noticed a lot of people were hitting my back, for some reason until Pinkie walked by and took a sign off my back that said Hit me on it...



And the drama starts here..


Sorry if this chapter was too short and then poorly written I'm extremely tired, I'll do better next chapter, sorry guys!

Bye guys,
Stay safe love you all

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