Chapter 7: The bath \(//∇//)\

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Author's note: hey guys, I'm gonna be alittle busy for a while so sorry if the uploads are far apart again! Anyways enjoy this chapter fufufu.

I enter my bathroom and take the time to recollect my thoughts. As I slowly strip off the pieces of clothing on me one by one, I touch my nape and feel the sensations that still linger from his touches. I feel my face burn as I regain consciousness from my ridiculous daydream.

"Ugh, I did say I came here to recollect my thoughts, but not these thoughts!"
I mumble to myself as I finish taking off my underwear. I dip myself into the nice steamy bath after washing myself off. As I look up at the ceiling, my thoughts drift off and into what the future will hold. I told Koro-sensei that I wanted to be a teacher, and I still do. The memories we had together as a class still holds dear to my heart. We had to kill him. If it happened to be anyone it should've and should still be us, his students, the people he so dearly cared for.

Ahhhh, the bath feels nice and soothing, it makes me forget all the pains in life, even just for a second. As I was about to drift off into sleep from the warmth of the water, I heard something crack open.

"Mind if I join you, Na-gi-sa?"
With my head still dizzy from the water I couldn't make out who was standing there in front of the door, but that voice; there's no mistaking it.
"K-karma?! W-hat are you doing in here?! Get out!!" I shout as loud as I can as I overheat from embarrassment. C-can he see everything right now?! Oh God please, save me! TwT

"Aw c'mon, it's so warm in here so don't be so cold," he says as he moves in closer.
Alright that's it, there is no God.

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