Letter three

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Someone on the football team? I wracked my brain trying to think of who it could possibly be but came up blank. Who could it have possible been? Everyone seemed straight... I just couldn't picture anyone with Eli. Not that I had a problem with it per se but its just ... different is all. I set the book down on my desk while I begin to think. I had to find out who. I mean Eli said he was one of the main reasons he decided to end his life. Who could have been that heartless? I got a headache just thinking of all this. I kind of figured he wasn't happy but this is something entirely different. This is  much more deeper than I thought it would be. I picked the book back up and began to read the next entry.

Dear Someone,
Have you ever been in love? If you have then you know how it feels. But if you haven't I shall break it down quite simply for you. It could go two different ways. It could make you wake up in the morning, happy, singing with your heart soaring. Or it can make you hurt, depressed. I'm not trying  to scare you away from love. It's a beautiful thing as long as it with the right person. And you will never know until you put your self out there right? So that's what I did. It was towards the end of freshman year. My mom basically kicked me out the house to go to some stupid party. When I got there I just chose a room to sit in until 11ish so I could go home. That's when a boy stumbled in. He had bottle blond hair and blue eyes. An All-American boy. He noticed me sitting on the bed and asked for my name. I told him and we began to talk. Just. Like. That. He began to tell me how he just got here two days ago and he had no friends so he tried to fit in by drinking but it didn't really work out. After that we quickly became friends. Then one day, he found out I was gay. He took it in stride. I think  that was the moment I really started falling for him. Then one day he told me he was liked me more than a friend and he wanted to try ...things.. and I agreed. We soon became an "item". Before Sophomore year started, we decided we wouldn't hide our relationship at school that we would be open with it. But it was a whole different story when we were actually at school. He tried out for the football team and made it. Then we saw each other less and less. He began to ignore me at school... until that faithful day I tried to get his attention. Turned out to be one of the worst mistakes of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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