Chapter 2

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I have to answer this question again? I mean i saw it coming; no one gets past Clara. The girl will ask you questions on anything that seems in any way to have gossip potential. You could have spent five minutes too long in a bathroom, and she will be waiting to interrogate you. When it comes to Clara, you can never know if she is concerned or nosy; one of the ex-employees learnt that. She was a lovely girl, Lauren. Kept to herself, didn't really talk to people, didn't talk to me; exactly what I like in a person. However, when it was found out, by Clara, that she had been sleeping in the Storage cupboard for three months, after losing her apartment, she quickly became the centre of attention. Within two days of the news spreading, she was called into Mr Roberts office, and a week after that, she quit to go work for a company the other side of London. Clara, as it can be learnt from this incident, is a bitch who can't be trusted.

 "Well, me and Jason... had a bit of a falling out over our relationship again and he's taken some time to think. So that didn't make me feel too great," not a lie. We did fall out. Over his choice of french  hors d'oeuvres, Céline of Côte d'Azur, who so welcomingly opened both her arms and her legs for her new English friend.

"... And then it didn't that I was throwing up most mornings, so it ended up to be a rather shit weekend." Both true; I threw up due to the large amount of alcohol in my system, and due to the french bimbo in my hotel room with my now ex-boyfriend, it was a shit weekend.

"I just wish I was able to go to the business weekend." Okay, so that's a lie. The look of confusion went across her face, before a sudden look of realisation covered it up. How in hell there is something to realise from my weekend fiasco I will never know. Until she tells me in about three seconds.

"Holy shit! You're pregnant aren't you?" What? I'm in no way pregnant. No. No, this is not the plan. I do not in no way want to deal with a non-existent, unborn child. I don't even make enough money for myself to live comfortably, let alone take responsibility for a child! What kind of person do they think I am? This has to stop before it goes too far. Shit, it's going to go too far.

"Congratulations" The crowds of office workers surround me, how she manages to tell thirty people about something so quickly I will never know. This was not the plan. Before I'm entirely engulfed by the approaching crowd of people, i excuse myself to go to the bathrooms. No one tells you how difficult it is to escape a crowd of people. They don't fucking move unless you practically force them to. After escaping their attempt at imprisoning me, I quickly walk towards the bathrooms, and lock the door behind me.

"Shit. shit, shit shit." I lean over the sink, repeating my new mantra, which until this debacle is either cleared up, or I leave my life behind me and become a hermit in the Scottish Hebrides. I will have to look up other possible destinations as well, a new start may be exactly what I need. No, I can't runaway from my problems this time. I will face my unwanted pregnancy, and abort it before it's too late. I mean, it's an easy mistake to make; I didn't exactly use the correct wording to ensure that there was no possibility of a misunderstanding.

How the fuck am I meant to explain otherwise? I can't tell them the truth, I will lose my job. If I don't then I'm having a baby that, if I'm correct, is due next June. It doesn't help I've left it ten minutes after the pregnancy announcement to my office. It's going to make it far more difficult to explain. They are going to ask questions, and I don't know how I am supposed to answer them without any preparation.

I can't breathe. This is all too much. How am I going to get out of this one, and still keep my job? Is there a way? Knocking at the door awakens me from my deep thoughts, as the girl who has her desk next to mine asks if I'm okay. I think her name is sophie, and she has two cats or something. I'm not really sure, I usually space out after she starts talking.

"Emma, are you alright? I think the doors locked, so I can't get in." I can hear her rattling the door knob in an attempt to open it, and I'm glad to know that the bolt on the door works. I know she won't leave until I answer her, so I slide the bolt across, and open the door. I hear her stumble from the door moving, and i laugh under my breath as she attempts to make it seem as though it never happened.

"Were you alright in there? I couldn't get in." That's the point of locking the door.

"Yes, I'm fine, I was just a little panicked by the sudden crowd of people." As I finish speaking, she looks over at me and laughs slightly. What is so funny about being crowded into a tiny space? I could have been crushed.

"You will have to get used to that. Now you're pregnant, you are going to have lots of people asking about this little bundle of joy." She reaches towards my stomach, and as a reflex, I automatically swat her hand away. She laughs again, and continues to walk to her desk.

I'm fucked.

~ Chapter two is complete! I've decided that it'll probably be easiest I update every weekend, and as much as I can I'll update both Saturday and Sunday. Please vote, comment etc. especially comments because it is nice to read peoples' thoughts about your work. Enjoy reading x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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