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"payton" i mumbled, i looked over at him and he was already looking down at me

"mhm yeh baby?" he asked

"i gotta tell you something" my heart dropping as the words slipped out of my mouth

"what's up?" he asked

"wait before i tell you, promise me it won't effect our relationship" i said

"i promise y/n" he said giving me a concerned look, i let out a sigh and sat up, i crossed my legs and held my hands together

"did you cheat?" he asked

"no, god no" i said, quickly shaking my head

"then what's wrong?" he asked

"i'm bi" i blurted out, i felt relieved but also terrified, i had been trying to come out for so long but i just couldn't.

"bisexual?" he asked, his eyebrows rising, i nodded my head yes

"oh" he mumbled

"is that bad?" i asked

"no, god no" he said pulling me into a hug

"i'm proud of you and i love you for you" he added

"i love you" i mumbled

h-how long have you known?" he asked

"well i was thirteen when i finally admitted it to myself, but i was always curious" i replied, he smiled and gave my lips a quick peck

"do your parents know?" he asked

"mhm" i nodded

"they've known for a good two years" i added

"right" he said

"i love you though y/n,
nothings going to change that" he smiled

"good" i mumbled

"i love you too" i said, he gave me a small smile and pulled me into his lap, he wrapped an arm around my waist and laid his head in the crook of my neck, i cuddled into him and gave his cheek a quick peck

i loved this boy, more than words could say

a/n! <3

happy national coming out day! you are always loved and welcomed here <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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