i love you.

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"you know i think we should cuddle" i said giving payton a look, he looked back over at me and opened his arms up, making grabby hands towards me

"come then" he laughed, i smiled and scooted into his arms, falling into his embrace

me and payton met a little over a year ago and we have been a couple for the past four months, hes litreally my everything

"how's my baby anyway" he mumbled

"i'm good, you?" i asked looking up at him

"i'm good" he smiled, i gave him a smile and laid my head onto his chest

"what ya thinking about?" i mumbled, i looked up at him and watched as he thought

"just about how much i love you" he said, a small lazy smile plastered on his face


"wait i didn't say nothing" he said cutting me off, his eyes widened and a small blush made its way to his cheeks

"okay" i giggled, i laid my head on his chest and cuddled into him more if that was even possible

see we've never said those three words to each other, i defiently love him i have just never told him.

"say it again" i mumbled

"i love you y/n" he said

"i love you" i smiled as i reached up to him, i planted a small kiss onto his lips and laid my head back onto his chest

"i've been waiting to say it for months i just didn't want it to be to soon and scare you off" he said

"it wouldn't have been to soon" i smiled

"you y/n y/l/n are the best thing to happen to me" he said, i once again looked up at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek

"you're cute" i laughed, he gave me a smile and pulled me into his chest so i was now basically laying on top of him

"you're the best thing to happen to me payton moormeier" i said

"god i love you so much" he mumbled

"i'm never going to stop telling you now" he added

"good, i don't want you too" i smiled

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