Chapter 18-

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I walk downstairs the next morning to see Hardin in the kitchen cooking something that smells pretty close to Bacon.I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and place a peck on his back.

"Morning Baby"He says to me in his soft voice."Hey Good Morning,The bacon smells devine" I say whilst inhaling the familiar scent.

"I was thinking that today Me,You Emery and The Vances spend the day at the beach,to get your mind off of everything that happened last night,What do you say?"

"The beach does sound like a good idea but who is going to clean up the mess of Noah's destruction?" I say sounding hal confused.

"Don't worry about that Baby,I can get Vance to call someone and send them round when we are out" He says embracing me in a hug.

"I am not sure I mean it would be better if I clean it and put everything in its rightful place."

"Tess you need to get your mind off everything,let's go out and have some fun Please"

Uhh what is this boy doing to me!

"Fine if it shut's you up fine,I will go But give me my Damn Bacon!"I scowl at him whilst trying to hold back my laughter.

He pushes a plate of Bacon and eggs in front of me and I immediately start gobbling it up,His cooking his been something I have missed so much and I am so glad I finally have it back.

Back like he never left.

"I will go wake up Our princess" He says to me making a b-line for the stairs.

I still can't get over the fact that what happened yesterday,Noah showed up out of the blue and destroyed our house just cos he want's me back?That boy used to be so sweet and innocent and now he is a phyco and I am afraid of living in my own house.Things he does to me.I am already paranoid as it is but now my limit has been pushed and I think I am going to have to talk to Hardin about it later.

"What are you thinking about Tess?" My thought get interrupted by a certain someone with a heavenly british accent.

"Uhh Nothing for you to worry about" I say with a reassuring smile.

He places Emery on my lap for my morning cuddles and I place a kiss on her smooth forehead brushing her blonde locks out of the way.

"Are you excited for the beach angel" I whisper in her ear earning a giggle from her.She has never been to the beach before,I have just never thought of it. Reminding me that she has never even left America before.Maybe one day I will take her to London to See Hardin's Mom,At Least she can have one grandmother who cares about her.

"You go get ready Hardin and I will go change Emery and get myself ready aswell,What time are we meeting?"I ask the love of my life.

"Were meeting at 10 at probably gonna spend the whole day there ,It is 9:05 now so we better get a move on" I pick Emery up placing her on my hip and put my used Bacon and Eggs plate in the sink,Before walking up to Emery's room and placing her on her potty,helping her get used to it .

Whilst she is using the potty,I go over to her chest of draws and look through her choice of 3 swimsuits.

Choice 1- A white all in one with small yellow sunflowers on it.

Choice 2- A black and white checkered all in one.

Choice 3- A baby blue all in one with a lace frill at the bottom.

After checking them all I decided to go for the Baby blue all in one as ,It looks too damn cute to pass over,and imagine her in at the beach. My heart is swelling already.

I then take her into my room so I ca get changed.I wear a light blue bikini with a white lace cover up,As I know Hardin really well and he would want me to cover up seeing as he is over protective much.

Now all we have to do is Get Hardin in a pair of Baby blue shorts and we can all be a matching family.

Awww just the thought of it makes my inside melt.

I pick Emery up and see Hardin standing in the kitchen wearing a pair of black swim trunks,Nothing out of the norm there.

"Hardin can I ask you for a favour?" I try and put on my sweetest voice possible.

"And what might that be baby?" He asks curiosity getting the better of him.

"Can you possibly wear a pair of blue trunks if you have some so we can all match?" I ask him.


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