1(10 years later)

13 2 4

" Luna wake up! "Edward yells.
" No! "
" fine " he says and I think I hear him go away so I pull the covers over my head and try to fall asleep again.
" common munchkin " Emmet says to me.
" noooo I don't wanna wake upppp"
" yes let's go we have school"
" nope I'm not going"
" Yes you are"
" no! "
" yes " he says then picks me up and I start to squirm away but I give up after few minutes. " downstairs it is"
" your mean. So are you edward! "
" you don't have to yell "
" let me gooooo" I whine.
" no" he speeds to the living room and starts jumping and spinning around with me on his shoulder.
" stop!help dad! Mom! "
" Emmet put your sister down" my dad says.
" you guys are no fun" he says as he puts me down.
" I'm dizzy" I say and fall to the floor.
" Luna are you okay? " My dad asks.
" yup I'm fine just need a sec"
" Okay "
" Luna to get dressed! " Alice yells at me.
" why thoughhhhhhh"
" your outfit is already ready"
" I'm not wearing what you picked "
" Yes you are"
I go and see a pink dress with silver flats in my room and instead I go and grab my ripped jeans and a black crop top and my fav hoodie.
" I'm ready let's go"
" go put the dress on luna"
" nope I'm not wearing a dress"
" please"
" no"
" why not? "
" because I don't like dresses I like jeans and hoodies"
" I will get you to wear a dress"
" no you wont "
" Yes I will"
" nope"
"No"and this keeps going for a while untill.
" now we are just gonna go to lunch! " rose says.
" sorry rose "
" it's fine just let's go"
" okay"
" bye mom bye dad"
" bye"
We walk into the cafeteria and I go to walk to sit by myself but Edward stoped me.
" Luna we cant "
" that's so stupid"
" it's ment to protect us"
" I'm a human I don't need protection " I cross my arms and huff out air.
" let's go"
" where is bella? "
" i don't know she will show when she does " he says as he grabs my arm and pulls me to our table.
" what is your problem today luna? "
" oh have you forgotten that oh I don't know my parents were killed in front of me today" I say giving him a lot of aditude and starting to get more and more mad.
" Luna I didnt forget, it's just you never act this way, why are you so upset now? "
" because Edward it's just I miss them and never mind"
" no what? "
" it's just i haven't been able to see my half brother he told me to run the other way thinking he was gonna distract the vampire but instead the vampire followed me and you guys know the rest" I say and put my head on the table trying to hold on my tears.
"Luna I didn't know I'm sorry"
" it's fine I just miss him"
" what was his name? "
" Jacob black he has a different dad but still loved me no matter what"
" wait Jacob is her brother? That mutt? " rose says.
" wait you know him" I say as I have a small smile on my face and peel my head up and look right at her.
" yea but he is a werewolf and I don't want you to get mixed with that"
" please Edward please he's all of blood family I have"
" Fine but I am staying by you"
" okay! " I say with a big smile on my face.
(After school at la push)
" what are you doing here? " a tall tan and short hair boy asks me.
" I'm luna an -"
" luna? As in Luna black? "
" Yes an-"
" oh my god luna! " he says and picks me up and hugs me.
" j-jacub? "
" yea"
" oh my gosh I missed you! "
" same! "
" Okay that's enough " Edward says.
" it's my first time seeing my little sister again. I will let go when I feel like it.  he says which I know my brother gets mad at.
" Okay Edward please don't "
" luna ! " I hear a voice say behind me and I turn around to see Billy and I run and hug him.
" where have you been? "
" with the cullens  they raised me"
" they what!? " he raises his voice and let's go and grabs my shoulders pulling me away and looking me dead in the eyes.
" they raised me I didn't know where to go" I say in a really quite voice.
" you should have come here" he says.
" really!? I haven't seen you in years and this is what you say!? " I say pulling away and getting really really mad.
" Yes you should have come here! "
" I was six! "
" I don't care you should have known better ! "
" Hey so mad and I get taken over by my anger and I back away and I feel my bones break and I turn into a wolf and I run away from everything.
" luna!!! " I hear Edward call me and I stop for a second and then keep running until I make it home until I see jasper and it looks like he's about to attack me and I whimper.
" get out of here! You know the rules! " he yells.
" jasper stop! " I hear Edward yell at him.
" it's a wolf! "
" that's luna! "
" oh I'm sorry Luna I didn't know"
I whimper and then go behind some trees and change back to human
" it's fine don't worry about it"
" okay"
" I'm going to bed"
" already? "
" Yes and tomorrow we are not saying anything about my birthday I'm not in the mood"
" but"
" I said no" I said and I ran to my room and started to cry and feel asleep.
Hope you guys liked it!

Luna black CullenWhere stories live. Discover now