[15] 𝑰 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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Status : Unedited


After walking to the deep end. he dove into the pool, his body splitting through the water like a knife and disappearing beneath the surface. The sight of his long, muscular form coming right toward her sparked a pleasurable rush of apprehension. She turned and started to go in the other direction, wondering if she could outswim him, but then he came up beside her with the speed and grace of a shark.

With a breathless laugh, she swam faster. Josh's hand clamped around her ankle. Flailing, she tried to yank herself away, but his grip was inexorable, and he grabbed her other leg and pulled her toward him. She surrendered quicker than she would have liked. They both stilled at the same time.

Jupiter was breathing fast, even though she hadn't even swam the length of the pool. Josh's eyes collided with hers. Water drops cascaded down the hard planes of his face and made his eyelashes all spiky. His gaze tracked over her neck to where her breasts bobbed just above the surface of the water.

She splashed him suddenly, letting out a shriek of laughter at the surprised look on his face. She bolted away, but only made it a few feet before his arms clamped around her waist and hauled her back against his slid naked body.


All the breath escaped her lungs as Josh moved her over to the side of the pool, his hands coming around to caress her breast . His lips, cold with water, pressed against the side of her neck.

Jupiter turned, her spine raining with shivers. She looked up into his face, his strong features that had become so familiar and dear to her. A warm, rich feeling flooded her heart.

"Tell me you believe in love," she whispered.

His eyes flickered with an indefinable emotion. "I believe in you."

And then he was kissing her before she even realised he'd moved closer. Her whole body zinged with heat. His mouth crushed against hers, hot and demanding. She gasped, her arms going up of their own volition to twine around his shoulders as she sank under the onslaught of his kiss.

He pressed his hands to her lower back and hauled her against him, so fast that their bodies collided with a force that caused the water to surge around them. Her breasts pressed against his hard, wet chest, her fingers curling into the sleek muscles of his shoulders.

Oh heavens...

Faint dizziness spun through her head as the kiss deepened. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue across his. He gripped her ass, and lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips. A flame kindled low in her belly, streaming heat through her veins. Her nipples tightened, the friction against his skin sensitizing them further.

Josh moved them both through the water until her back touched the edge of the pool, then he grasped her waist and lifted her onto the travertine patio.

Water streamed from Jupiter's hair down her face and body. She stared at him, struck by a feral glint in his eyes, his damp hair casting his features into sharp relief. Divested of corporate trappings, he exuded a primitive sex appeal, one that made her feel sinuous and free, like a wild strawberry plant flourishing in a sun-drenched field.

She pressed her hands to the sides of his jaw and lowered her lips to his again. Their mouths moved together seamlessly. The kiss lasted for hours. He pulled away from her only trail his mouth over her bare shoulder and down to her breasts. He breathed out a curse as he captured one of her nipples between his lips.

"Oh." Jupiter moaned, wiggling on the stone floor as her sex began pulsing in response to the warm, delicious sensation of his mouth.

He pushed between her legs, trailing his lips over her breasts and up to the hot hollow of her throat. He flicked his tongue against her pulse before covering her mouth with his again.

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