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Grillby's POV:

I hugged Sans close to my chest. I was pissed that someone would cheat on Sans, WHO WOULD DO THAT TO SOMEONE AS SWEET AS HIM?!?! "I'm so sorry" I whispered to Sans.
He was a crying mess, although it stung when he cried, I didn't care. I wanted him to feel safe in my arms. I read the time, 11:30. I should take Sans back to his place. "Hey Grillby?" Sans asked,"Can I stay at your place? Papyrus isn't going to be home tonight, and I really don't wanna be alone..." I felt myself blush a small bit, so I nodded. "Of course you can." I replied. He smiled and hugged me tight.

Sans POV:

Grillby let me stay at his place, I smiled knowing I'm not going to be alone tonight. He picked me up and I could feel myself blush a bit, luckily he didn't notice... I think. I held on to him, like if I let go, something bad was going to happen. I felt safe and warm in his arms. I haven't gotten to tell him, that I loved him. I dated Red just so I could get some experience! But I don't think he helped... He would screw me every week, even when I asked him to stop. I'm guessing he did it for his own pleasure. I began to tear up again. I quickly wiped them, but Grillby saw. He began to hold me tighter. I felt like I was in a nice warm heaven! I felt... I felt like I was at peace. Grillby was a quiet and sweet guy, and knowing he cared so much about me, really made me happy! If only I had the courage to tell him that I loved him.

3rd Person POV:

Grillby walk over to his house while carrying the small skeleton. When they got to his house, Grillby put Sans on the couch and sat next to him. Sans began to think. He began to wonder if, maybe he wasn't good enough, and that's why Red cheated on him. His head began to fill up with whispers about all his flaws. But then Grillby hugged Sans, and he snapped back to reality. Sans hugged the fire element tightly. And soon Sans fell asleep. Grillby picked Sans up being carful not to wake him up, and laid Sans on his bed. He didn't have a guest bedroom, and he didn't want Sans to sleep on the couch. He decided that Sans might feel safe if he has someone around. Grillby changed in to some comfy clothes, and decided to get Sans comfy. He took Sans's slippers off and laid them next to the bed. Then he took Sans's jacket off. And that's when he saw...

Omg that was a long chapter! And also another cliffhanger! >:) Pic is not mine(I think most of the pics that are shown at the top will not be mine unless I point that out so imma just say it now, pics at the top are NOT mine!) Ok, bye!

514 words

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