Recovering & Justice

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Three days later
Sandra Parks POV
Sandra takes a deep breath as the lift lurches to a stop on the fourth floor of Gangnam university hospital, the ping of the loft finally announcing she can leave. It doesn't take long to reach room 6104, her heartbeat speeds up in hope that the young man who owns her sons heart and saved his life will be awake!  Gently opening the door, her hope fades away by what she sees on entry to this sombre and silent room she is fast beginning to hate.

Quietly shutting the door so as not to wake the man hunched over the the hospital bed and the prone figure upon it. Her heart bleeds to see Baekhyun looking so pale  and delicate under  the oxygen masks he still wears, those fragile arms still taped with cannula ports one filled with plasma, the second pumping vitamins and antibiotics! Sandra can see how frail his tiny body looks being dwarfed under the sea of a goose feather duvet Chanyeol demanded Sehun bring as soon as Baekhyun was out of  the recovery area. James her darling husband had arrived whilst Baekhun was being moved to a ward, James however had stepped in and all but demanded a private en-suite room, when it transpired Baekhyun may need to stay in for a few days. Beautiful Baekhyun who still hasn't awoken three days after his splenectomy and blood transfusion! She walks towards her son who still sits to the side of the bed on a horrible plastic chair the cut on his cheek finally cleaned and sporting a couple stitches, realising he is no longer awake but slumped over. She can only choke on a sob after she spots that he still holds tight to one of those dainty fragile hands, even after he finally succumbed to much needed sleep. Sandra gently cards her hand over her sons head, hating how exhausted Chanyeol looks. It's not surprising she knows he has only left Baekhyun's side for thirty minutes to shower in the en-suite and change his bloodied clothes! She knows he only did that because as per a message from Sehun who had texted that Luhan and Jongdae had  double teamed him by manhandled him into the shower, whilst Sehun sat with Baekhyun.

It was so so heartbreaking to watch her son fall apart when he collapsed in grief three days ago, it still physically hurts to see him look so exhausted. She knows her son though, and despite how hard these last few years have been for him first being wrongly forced into that marriage and blackmail  fiasco with Maria, to discover it was all a ploy to keep him  from the man he truly loved! Becoming a victim of domestic assault when he tried to get a divorce after discovering her treachery, she truly  is in awe of the inner strength her son possesses  even after suffering some truly awful experiences! It breaks her heart  to watch that inner strength waiver, it must be pure agony for him to watch his one true love remain unconscious, after watching him push him out the way and then take the bullet that Maria intended for him.

She goes to pick up Baekhyun's chart when the door creeks open and James squeezes through it before closing it quietly! Her mind swirling with confusion when she sees a strange mix of emotions including frustration on his handsome face. "Daring what's wrong," "the police are here!" "What, why are they here!" The sudden groan they hear has Sandra pulling James away from the bed, making sure she lowers her tone she puts a finger up to her lips so as not to wake their son, "surely they don't need to question Chanyeol, and Baekhyun is certainly not able to be questioned," "I know that sweetheart, they aren't hear to question Chanyeol for any wrong doing darling,  I saw the security feeds from the parking lot that deranged harpy is finally going to answer for her crimes!That's not all, Jaehyun is in big trouble too! Thanks to the security feeds, they have Maria on tape letting the cat out the bag about her father paying off the chief of police over her restraining order!" Sandra feels her eyes widen in shock it's certainly explains a lot! whilst it's not Baekhyun waking up, it's progress in getting him the justice he deserves. "Thats good news for Chanyeol and Baekhyun, are they charging Jaehyun as an accomplice?" Sandra watches as James nod his head, "not just an accomplice Sandra, the police are adding bribery too his charges, Maria made it possible by what was recorded on the tapes she implicated that he knew about her plans so they can charge him as an accomplice! That's not all they also are going to be adding tax evasion charges, they have gone over his bank records turns out Jaehyun has been redirecting government funds to his own account!." "Serves him right darling, I always knew he was up to dirty tricks," Sandra smiles at her husband as he nods smugly it's the only good news that has come out of this whole ordeal, karma finally catching up with Jaehyun Kim and his wretched daughter.

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