Isn't he?

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"Don't worry to much I'm fine." Shane assured Ryan. "I'm really sorry to do this little guy but I gotta skoot."

"Oh.. okay" Ryan said though he was not convinced at all.

Shane walked past him after closing and locking his door. Going to his car and driving off. Ryan stood there once again, confused. So of course being the guy he was what els would he do other than follow him.

It was getting darker sooner than later and Shane was almost to the path. Unfortunately he didn't use his motorcycle so he had to walk it. He parked and started walking. It was going to be a long time till he made it to the end so he put in headphones and started to listen to music with headphones on.

Ryan on the other hand was 5 minutes behind him and just started to park. He watched shane from 400 meters away and started to walk as carful as he could avoiding sticks and rocks and other brush.

"Hmmm..." Charlie wondered " what would TP say 'you shouldn't have showed emotion'
'Your stronger than that'" but TP wasn't rude or cruel just worried. although it did seem like he wasn't nice. He was, he just closed himself off from people, But not to Charlie. Charlie got to see the true Professor. He was weird. Charlie will admit...but in a good way. Sometime he'll steal his lunch, but the next day there would be a present. Sometimes it would be expensive wine or a piece of jewelry or some other expensive thing. It was like training with a villager in Minecraft.

It had been 20 minutes but shane was still only half was done with the walk. He wasn't complaining though. It was nice seeing the orange and yellow trees with leaves on the ground and the background music of Bublé singing la vie an rose. The sky dark orange from the phantom of a sunset and Shane swayed his head side to side.

Ryan on the other hand has never had more anxiety in his life. The constant fear of Shane looking over his shoulder and seeing him has kept him on his toes as he followed Shane. Ryan checked his phone, only to see that there was no signal. He was miles away from the nearest town, and in the middle in the woods where animals could kill him. No one would hear his screams.

Shane finally got to the brick roundabout driveway with a broken fountain in the middle. He walked around it to the yellow two story house. He walked up the few steps to the door and knocked on it. "A weird pattern of knocking to say the least but none the less a knock" Ryan thought from the tree line.

Shane stepped back from the door to the stairs and waited. About 10 seconds later the door opened and out stepped a short young looking man with light blue hair. He looked kinda Mexican and African-American and very handsome. Probably around 5 ft 8.

Ryan started to make his way to the side of the house and listened into their conversation.

"Tin man long time no see! What brings you to this neck in the woods?"

"Can't a guy just visit his friend?"

"Cut the crap Tinsley. What did you do?"

"Tinsley ? No I'm Shane"

"Well you'll always be Tinsley to me." The Profferer exclaimed. It was weird he was eye level to Shane yet so much shorter two minutes ago. He was... floating in the air. TP jumped down from his invisible stool and walking right through it and into the house, Shane in tow. "Your cloths are on the counter go get dressed in your room."

"Okay mom." Shane replied after grabbing the khaki pants,Fedora and brown leather jacket along with a mustered yellow button up shirt that matched The professor's outfit and heading around the stairs to the bathroom down the hall.

Ryan watched from the outside seeing the white haired man like a hawk. "Who is he" Ryan thought "why did Shane come to him? Who is Tinsley?


Tinsley ...

The man called Shane...


Tinsley ? No, he's Shane...

Isn't he?"

Tinsley? No, I'm ShaneWhere stories live. Discover now