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I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. That belongs to J.K. Rowling. I only own the plot of this book.


Harry Potter laid on his deathbed surrounded by his friends and family. He thought on how his life had been throughout the years and smiled.

After the 2nd wizarding war, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had returned to Hogwarts to complete their education. Ron had been heavily against it, but in the end Hermione had managed to convince him to finish his education.

When they had finished school he and Ron had immediately joined the Auror training program. Harry had passed with flying colors, the former head to the department had been keen on seeing what Harry could accomplish in the Department. Ron on the other hand had barely passed the test, he claimed that the only reason Harry had passed was because he has the Boy-Who-Lived. He and Ron hadn't talked to each other for a while after that.

A few years after joining the department he and Ginny had gotten married by the great lake at Hogwarts. Headmistress McGonagall had not been very happy with the location but had quickly gotten over it and helped plan the wedding.

2 years later Ginny had given birth to their 1st son James Sirius Potter. Harry thought back on the many pranks that James and Teddy had pulled during their childhood, the amount of times he had been called to the school because of those two was obscene.

Ginny had then given birth to their middle child Albus Severus Potter, and their youngest Lily Luna Potter.

Too soon all of his children had graduated from Hogwarts, James had gone off to play in the Quidditch Leagues, Albus had become a potions master and married Draco's son Scorpius Malfoy, and his sweet Lily Luna had followed after her Aunt Hermione's foot steps and became Minister of Magic while marrying Dean and Seamus's little girl Kate Tomas-Finnigan.

Years passed and soon he had many grandchildren, Nieces, Nephews, and children who saw him as a grandfather. There had never seemed to be a dull moment in Potter Manor. They had moved from Godric's Hollow after Lily and Kate had adopted their 2nd grandchild, the cottage just hadn't been enough room for everyone.

Soon enough Ginny had reached the age of 90 and had passed away from old age. Although wizards had longer lifespans than muggles, Ginny had gone through a lot of stress and trauma in her life. The healers had explained this to him after her death.

He had always wondered why he hadn't been saddened by that news, he simply shrugged it off of just one of those things. Harry had lived to the age of 101 and had watched as Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, Dean, Seamus, George, and Draco had all been taken away by death.

Harry knew no one lives forever. Death had always shrouded his life. So, as he laid in his bed in Potter manor, surrounded by the ones he loved.

He simply closed his eyes and welcomed death like an old friend.


When Harry opened his eyes he was meet with the sight of Kings Cross Station. The only difference was that the entire platform was tinted different shades of grey.

He looked around the station and found that nothing was extremely out of the ordinary. Harry quickly stood up from where he had been laying on the ground and was immediately on his guard. He patted himself down and found that he was without his wand. While searching for his wand he caught a glance at his hand.

The layers of wrinkles that had once been present on his body was now replaced with smooth pale skin. Harry was able to catch a glimpse of himself in the reflection of one of the trains. He now looked as he had back in his twenties. There were a few minor differences, for example he no longer had a need for his glasses his eyes also seemed to take on a glow eerily similar to the killing curse.

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