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Huffing Heatwave continued to walk through the dense forests of Griffin Rock, why do I have to do patrol? Heatwave silently asked himself, looking down at his peds, watching as they moved one after another in perfect sync. Why couldn't my team work like my peds?

As he continued to look at the ground he missed all of the beautiful scenery that was passing him by. Heatwave was never fond of nature, unlike Boulder, he was fascinated with Earths scenery. Heatwave considered this a waste of time, saving people's lives was more important than nature. Come to think of it, most times when he and his team has to rescue some human it was because nature had screwed said human over.

Heatwaves gaze suddenly traveled upward when he was smacked in the helm by a branch, said branch came out of nowhere. Grumbling cybertronian curses under his breath Heatwave continued on, rubbing the side of his helm where the branch had hit, now Heatwaves helm hurt, way to make my day even worse you fraggin' branch. After a while of walking Heatwave began to space out, thinking about what he could possibly find out in the woods.

About an hour had passed when Heatwave broke his trance, noticing that he wasn't in the same forest he had been in earlier. He looked around to try and get his surroundings, but what he saw amazed him, fallen trees charred black laid on the ground in pieces. The ground was hot and beginning to catch on fire, and all of noise of wildlife had completely stopped. Heatwave quickly transformed his servos to water pumps and began to spray water on the ground, trying to put out the small fires that encircled him. "What happened here?",Heatwave asked out loud, not expecting a reply

"Why my arrival of course", A sinister voice said from behind him, Heatwave had whipped around in a second. Ready to charge at the bot, but his demeanor quickly changed when he saw who was standing there. A smirk on his faceplates and his arms behind his backstruts, there stood the con king himself.

"I've heard of you, Heatwave was it?", He asked almost mockingly, Heatwave didn't want to reply but his arrogance got the best of him,"yea, what's it to you?", Heatwave growls. It may not seem like it but Heatwave was terrified, but Heatwave wasn't one to show his emotions. As the bot began to walk closer Heatwave began backing up, every step the con took Heatwave to took two more backwards.

The huge cons chuckle sent shivers down Heatwaves spine, eventually his backstruts hit one of the only trees that was still standing. With every step closer the con took Heatwaves fear continued to grow, until the con stood right in front of him,leaning down a tad. His sharp digits took Heatwaves chin into their grasp forcing Heatwave to look into his optics, spiraling amber looking into fiery ruby.

"You are one of the last operating rescue bots in existence you will catch quite the price in the market", The con currently towering over him bellows,his grip on Heatwaves chin slightly tightening. Heatwave was frozen in fear, he didn't even flinch when the cons grip began to tighten on his chin. Once he unfroze as soon as the cons grip wavered for a moment Heatwave slammed into the cons chassis, causing said con to go down with a thud. Heatwave turned and began to bolt through the forest, he could hear the enraged roar come from behind him which only made his pace quicken.

Ducking underneath branch after branch Heatwave finally decided to comm back to base, only to find that his team had been trying to contact him for quite a while "Heatwave,where are you?!", Optimus' voice bellowed from the other side of the comm link.

It took a moment for Heatwave to reply, Heatwave was trying to not fall or get caught and talk at the same time. Everyone said he was a good multitasker but this was just too much, Heatwave pants,"I'm being chased!".

"By who?!" Optimus yells, the worry evident in his deep voice, Heatwave could hear the thundering ped steps running after him. He waited a moment to somewhat catch his breath as his speed quickened "Megatron!", Heatwave yells,beginning to panic even more at the silence that followed that pit bound name. "He's alive?! This isn't good, stay away from him!" Optimus yelled back.

  "That's what I'm trying to do, but I don't think I can run much longer!" Heatwave replied, jumping over another fallen tree. "There is one way to evade him, h-",the comms had been cut, Heatwave was now a panicking mess. He was being chased by Megatron, he was beginning to get tired, he had nowhere to go, and Optimus couldn't help him.

   When Heatwave reaches a cliff he was sure he was going to die, he turned around and watched horrified as Megatron walked out of the forest, Heatwaves peds were hanging off of the edge, he wanted to be as far away from Megatron as he could. "You are a tricky one", Megatron pants, continuing to walk closer to the frightened bot.

   "Since I won't be able to contain you, I'll just have to kill you", Megatron cackles, raising his blaster and readying to fire. The barrel lighting up a beautiful deep violet color as it began to swirl to life with plasma. The plasma ball grew bigger and bigger until it launched itself out of the barrel of the cannon and through the air and towards Heatwave.

    The shot whizzed past Heatwaves shaking frame, nicking him on the arm with enough force to knock him off of the cliff. His intake was agape but there was no sound, crashing into the frigid ocean waters was the last thing Heatwave felt before blacking out.

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