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Black. Everything He couldn't see, couldn't move, couldn't speak. He was helpless. It was a freezing, cold abyss he was stranded in. Floating for eternity.

When Heatwave finally decided to crack open his optics he was nearly blinded by the sun, giving a groan he tilts his helm to the side. Flexing his servos to see if he was really alive or in the Allspark, slowly sitting up Heatwave yawns, how long was I out?.

After a moment he quickly realized, hadn't fallen into the sea? How he was on solid ground? Leaning up against what Heatwave could only assume was a tree Heatwave takes a look around. Thick forestation was lined around him, slowly but surely he pushed himself up, using the tree for support.

   Noticing a small pool of water Heatwave ran over to it, looking at his reflection, he gasped at what he saw. He was taller, a lot taller, his frame was more sleek and agile, his helm no longer had its usual firefighter hat, but instead two stacks on either side of his helm. His optics hadn't really changed from their beautiful amber to a alluring golden yellow. His frame was not it's usual red color, it had changed to a pristine black with white highlights, yellow and maroon dotted around in various places on his frame.

   Heatwave began to turn and move his frame to examine every new detail, after a moment of examining he heard muffled voices and the cracking of leaves. Three intimidating looking mechs popped out of the thick brush and immediately pointed their very sharp swords at Heatwave. "Who are you and why are you in the Autobot kingdom?!",One of them asked,jabbing his sword at Heatwave.

    Heatwave was trying not to panick,"my name his Heatwave,I do not know how I ended up here. I blacked out and I awoke here",Heatwave says,playing it cool. The three mechs seemed to buy it "Apologies,we thought you were a spy from the Decepticon kingdom,allow us to escort you to the palace",one of the trio said. Palace?! Heatwave screamed in his helm.

   "That would be much appreciated",Heatwave said curtly,I guess I just have to speak fancy. The three mechs turned around and began to lead him out of the thick endeavoring forest and into the more clear part of the wilderness. "If we may ask sir,are you a fellow knight?",Heatwave perked up at the statement. "No",Heatwave replies plainly.

   "Oh,my apologies,you seemed worthy of the title",the guard says. Heatwave only hums in response and continues to walk behind the three knights as they called themselves. Heatwaves attention began to wander when they entered through a huge gate of some sort with multiple guards on duty,they seemed to stiffen as Heatwave walked by. Heatwave was still very confused,why was he here,why was his frame changed,where am I? So many questions whizzed into his helm,settling down in various places in his spacious processor.

    Looking at the beautifully crafted stone and wood houses that lined the cobblestone street,his peds drifting across the neatly lined cobblestone pathway leading to the magnificent castle crafted of hundreds of stones and lined with giant wooden beams. Heatwave couldn't help but marvel at the sight,he may not have loved nature like Boulder but he loved craftsmanship.

Entering the castle he felt more at ease than he has in a while,that last time he had felt this exact feeling was in his parents home,when he was 8. He had just gotten his first pet,a cyber cat named Calypso. Heatwave and Calypso would always play out in the woods once he was finished with school,he was devastated when Calypso was stolen. Calypso wasn't a full grown cyber cat,he wasn't even half the size of an adult cyber cat. Veterinarians had said there was an unidentified gene in Calypso's body,making him grow slower but also have have another animals DNA. Making him the first hybrid cyber cat ever recorded,that's how Heatwave became one of the popular kids at his middle school. Everyone would run up to him and ask about his cyber cat and ask to pet him since Calypso would follow him everywhere,even to school.

After a while Heatwave found himself alone,standing in front of who he could only assume was the King. Heatwave had no clue what to do so he just stood there and waited for something magical to happen. The king seemed to chuckle at his awkwardness "You are the first to not bow before me,I find this amusing",he muses aloud making Heatwave cringe at his own stupidity.

Heatwave begins to apologize "Apologies my king I-",before Heatwave could finish something ran into him causing him to tumble down face first onto the ground. "Oh my Primus,I'm so sorry!",a small voice said from behind him. Heatwave pushed himself up and stood up looking down at the young femme who seemed scared "Its fine,you probably need this",Heatwave says,picking up a data pad and handing it back to the young femme.

The young femme seemed surprised "Y-your not mad?",she stutters,now Heatwave was confused "Why would I be? It was an accident",Heatwaves asks quizzically. "I-it's just,most knights aren't very kind to maids like me and my mother",the young femme says. Out of the corner of Heatwaves optics he saw the king watching from a distance,Heatwave kneeled down and whispered into the young girls audio receptor,"Well I think those knights are meanies".

The young girl giggled,"now go back to your mother.",Heatwaves says with a small smirk playing on his faceplates. "Okay!",the little girl says before running over to a taller femme. Standing back up Heatwave turns around to be greeted by the king himself once again,who seemed to be examining him. Heatwave squirmed under the kings intimidating gaze until the king finally decided to speak,"Are you a knight of some sort?".

   Heatwave huffed,"Everyone that I've met has asked me this,the answer is the same,no".

The king seemed surprised by this "Your em field says otherwise",he says making Heatwave look at him "what do you mean by that?",Heatwave asks,folding his arms over his chassis. "It means I sense the knight gene breaking through into your em field" the kings says,"I never knew my creators,that might be why the gene is there.",Heatwave counters.

The king shakes his helm "The knight gene isn't passed down from family,it is earned",the king says,walking closer to Heatwave. "Whether you are a noble or a higher ranking knight is unclear as of now,but the proper training will reveal all",the king says. "There is one thing I can determine as of now,follow me if you will",the king says,Heatwave couldn't refuse since he was the king after all.

   Heatwave followed the king down one of the many long halls of the castle,after a few awkward minutes of walking the king comes to halt a few paces away from a beautiful femme. The king walks over to her and give her a soft kiss on the cheek "Hello my love",the femme says,chuckling softly.

Now Heatwave was in the presence of the King and Queen,Primus this day is getting weirder and weirder. The two royals turn to face Heatwave,basically making him the center of attention.

As soon as another bot walked into the room Heatwaves em field flared and his frame stiffened,the king just chuckled. "I see that your coding is being difficult",the king muses,"very",Heatwave chokes out,barely being able to keep himself from ripping that poor bot the shreds. After a moment the bot senses Heatwaves em field and quickly scurries out of the room.

"So be it then,you will begin training to become a Royal escort at the crack of dawn"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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