Fifteen Years Later

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It seemed as if the train platform hadn’t changed at all over the years. There was still the heavy bustle of families as they rushed to get children on board, the loud sound of whistles still blasting in our ears. I guess you could say that the only thing that had changed was me.

John yawns in my arms and I rock him gently as I watch Carson and Ron run through the platform entry. She had white blonde hair, inherited from my grandmother, though her eyes were just like Ron’s. John’s thick hair was dark, but there was a noticeable ginger tint to it; his wide eyes were exactly like mine.

I never could understand what my parents were thinking as they watched Kris and I go to our first year of Hogwarts, but now I knew. This was Carson’s first year, along with James. In two years it would be Al, then Lily, and John as well. I couldn’t imagine them going off and facing the dangers we did when we were only a few years older than them. Fifteen years later, and I could still remember every minute of it.

I shuffled forward quickly, making sure not to disturb the sleeping toddler in my arms, and passed through the barrier as well. Ron was waiting for me alone and smiled at me. He held out his arms for John.

“I’ll take him, Jenna.”

I smile and watch as Ron’s face morphs into one of pure amazement as he looks down at his son’s face. Ron act like a teenager 90 percent of the time, but he’s an amazing father- he would do literally anything for Carson and John.

“Where’s Carson?” I asked him and he nodded a few feet away where I noticed Harry and Ginny standing, surrounded by all the kids. Ron could hardly tear his eyes off of John’s sleeping figure. I smiled and tucked my hand under his elbow to guide him over to everyone else. “Come on then.”

Ginny noticed us first, her eyes widening at the sight of John. His second birthday was coming up and he was growing faster than anyone could believe. “Oh, such a cutie!”

“Yeah, he is.” Ron laughed and glanced at his sister for a brief moment. He snapped back into reality and looked over at his best friend, starting a conversation about driving (Ron’s been adamant to get a muggle license lately). On cue, I took John from Ron and walked over to Ginny so we could both moan about how quickly everyone’s grown up.

“It’s just so odd to think that only a few years ago Carson and James were little tiny babies! I hate to see them go.” Ginny smiled sadly as we both watched them being led off by Elizabeth, Kris’s daughter who was in her seventh year. Lily was clinging to her mother’s leg and Al was standing beside Harry, watching with wide eyes as he took in the crowded platform.

“Ron and I are going to send Carson an owl every day if we can! It’ll drive her mad but it’ll keep us sane!” I laughed and Ginny grinned.

“Oh, I remember when mum used to embarrass me so much about this sort of thing.” She paused, thinking back. “I absolutely hated it!”

“Now we’re exactly the same.” I sighed, subconsciously rocking back and forth. John woke slightly, almost in a dazed state and looked around. His tiny arms stretched out above him as he let out a large yawn.

“At least we’ve still got little John over here to fuss about!” Ginny cooed at her nephew, pocking his stomach. This sent him into a fit of giggles and I could hardly hold him without him squirming out of my grasp. I laughed along with Ginny and Lily came out of her mother’s shadow to take a peek at her cousin. She stretched up on her tip-toes.

“Can I play with him?” She looked up at me and pleaded with her big, brown eyes. She was only seven, but she’s known me her whole life and knew how to get what she wanted from me. “I’ll stay right here with him- I want to teach John how to walk!”

“Alright,” I smiled and gently placed the wakening John at her feet. She thanked me and sat down, keeping a much focused eye on him.

Harry and Ron walked back over, Al sitting next to his sister and playing along with John.

“I really hope Lily doesn’t break John,” Ron says under his breath jokingly as he slides an arm around my waist. I leaned against him, watching our son play with Lily and Al.

We are interrupted by the loud blast of the train, signaling that it was time to board. All snapping out of our daze, we rushed to gather up the baggage and hand it over to Carson and James, who were now running back over to us.

“Elizabeth is going to let us sit with her on the train!” Carson smiled, reaching for her trolley.

“And she says that Teddy and Victoire are going to be there!” James added before being dragged into a hug by Ginny. Carson turned to Ron and I and I sighed.

“Oh, come here, sweetie.” I open my arms and she rushes into them, squeezing me tightly.

“I’ll miss you, mummy.” Carson whispers. “When will I see you again?”

“Christmas time,” Ron kneels down next to her. “And not a moment later. We’ll send you owls every day- if you like. I bet we could get a few more years out of old Barney.”

Carson laughs and pulls away. “I’d like that.” She turns to her little brother. I can see her lecturing him softly, probably about being a good boy. She hugs him and stands back up, resting her hand on her trolley.

“I’ll see you later!” She seems to have regained her confidence as she turns to give her aunty and uncle, as well as Lily and Al, a few hugs before leaving.

“I love you, Carson!” I yell after her, bitter sweet emotions filling me. She was growing up too fast. Ron returns to  his spot next to me as we watch them board the train. I can see them through a window a few feet away, and they seem to have spotted us as well. They both wave to us, along with Elizabeth, Teddy and Victoire, as the train pulls away. It’s gone in a matter of seconds as it speeds off to Hogwarts. People begin to leave Platform 9 ¾, heading home and returning to their lives. We stay where we are, though, not sure of what to do next.

“Things are so different now.”

I looked over at Harry as he continued to watch the kids play together at our feet. His scar was fading, though his bright eyes and round glasses were the same as they were when I first met him on the train to Hogwarts.

We all nodded.

“Better, I think.”

I smiled up at Ron. “Definitely.”

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