Cops and New Clothes!

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Liam was driving the car as snow plummeted from above. It was a calm silence in the car. Eleanor decided to come along, as she came to surprise the boys because she had off from work so she flew all the way here to spend the rest of tour with them. 

"Are we there yet?" Louis whined. 

"Almost Lou." Liam said turning a corner. 

"Hey Lou, where's Hailey?" I questioned. Lou turned around and looked at me. 

"She went shopping this morning." He said shrugging his shoulders and turning back around. 

"We're here!" Liam chirped turning the engine off. Yay! I internally said sarcastically. 

I pulled my hood up so I wouldn't be recognized. We walked up the steps of the building. Lou pulled open the big glass doors that opened to a front office with police officers bustling about. Louis approached the desk where a lady with too much make-up on was working.  

"Um excuse me," Lou said, the lady looked up from her work and nodded for him to continue. "Well you see, I was here to wonder about Mia Parker?" Lou questioned the ladies eyes went wide at my name I just kept my head down so nobody saw me as I know what will happen.  

"Why are you asking." She said narrowing her eyes at him.  

"Well, I was wondering if I could adopt her." Lou question, the lady let out a annoying laugh. 

"Son, we don't even know where she is, and why would you want to adopt her? You know she's a criminal." The lady said after her little laugh. 

"Yeah well I found out she's my sister, see." Lou said handing her my birth certificate. The lady looked it over, then looked back up at him. 

"Do you have ID to prove your... Mr. Louis Tomlinson?" She said. Lou handed her his ID. "Okay well I’m sorry sir but we don't know her whereabouts, and if we did she would be locked behind bars." She said shaking her head. They lied. 

"You liars you said you would charge me not lock me up." I screamed looking at the woman with a nasty glare. My eyes widened I clamped my hand over my mouth. The ladies eyes widened before she smirked. She grabbed her walkie talkie. 

"Sharif we got Parker, I repeat we got Parker." She said before getting out of her chair and coming out from behind the counter. "Well Parker, you decided to come out of hiding I see." She snarled with a hideous smirk on her face. 

"Wait ma’am can we please just talk about this, we just want to adopt her and go. We leave for England tomorrow you'll never see her again." Liam said putting me behind him. 

"Lucy you found that bugger? Let me see!" Said a bald fat guy, whom I assume is the sheriff.  

"Yeah right here Sheriff." The Lucy girl said pointing to me. Everyone in the office stopped what they were doing to watch.  

"Awe, Parker nice to meet ya." The sheriff said holding his hand out. I put my hood down and everyone gasped. I smirked. 

"Nice to meet you sir." I said shaking his hand. Liam stepped out of the way as I pushed him, he sent me a warning glare.  

"Now, you come to turn yourself in I see." He said motioning a guy over. He whispered in his ear, he nodded then walked away.  

"No." I said. I felt someone grab me. I turned around and kicked the guy in the gut he fell backwards. "Don't ever touch me!" I yelled. The guy got up and came after me with handcuffs, oh hell no. I ran at him, I ducked down so I could grab his legs. I flipped him over as he landed on his back with a thud.  

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