[1] - h e r

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(a/n: Best to read with the actual song as the background music. I don't own the video.)

The classroom was well lit up; the pastel colours of the walls compliments the atmosphere of the surroundings. It was bright yet so calm. The chatters of the girls, the laughter of the boys and the clatter sound from the sliding door at the entrance were the becoming the source of the ambiance.

Yoongi pressed the upper side button to increase the volume, silencing his surrounding with his music. He sighed as he placed his head on the table, covering his face with his arms. With his eyes closed, he drowned himself into the melody of the song, diving into the lyrics as if it was the story of his life. Music was his only passion, his only escape from reality. It was the closest thing to his sanity.

Just like he ignored the world, he thought it would do the same to him. But just a few tables away from him. A girl had her eyes fixed on him. It was not a piercing, judging stare or the stare of affection. It was a stare of pure curiosity. Yoongi was always the one who is alert with his surrounding yet he did not notice her pair of eyes glued on his figure.

Perhaps it was because he was lost in his own world. The girl rested her chin on her palm, supporting her own weight as she continued to look at Yoongi. No one really knows what was in her mind.

As mysterious and dark Yoongi was, she was somewhat similar. There was always some kind of aura emitting from her. Something wise, something deep. Like an owl. A symbol of paranormal wisdom, regal silence, and fierce intelligence.

Loud clatter of the door made the girl turned her attention to its source. "Okay, class. Settle down!" Mrs. Park came in gripping the books close to her chest. Everybody quickly find their seats and paid their respect before sitting down. Yoongi sat still at his table, not knowing that the teacher has arrived.

Mrs. Park glanced over at the seemed-to-be sleeping Yoongi. The girl followed Mrs.Park's gaze and watch as she sighed before shaking her head. The girl turned back her attention to Yoongi, wondering if he's really asleep before looking away.

The class started like they always do and Yoongi stayed in that position, confirming the fact that he was drifting into dreamland.


Halfway through the class, Yoongi woke up from his slumber. He lifted his head and stretched his body, didn't mind to blew his own cover. The girl could see him yawning from the corner of her eyes, she smiled as she thought it was funny how he doesn't give a damn about how Mrs.Park was glaring at him.

Some of his classmate looked at him, waiting if he would apologize but Yoongi unplugged his earphone and turned away. He stared outside the window, as if he was looking at someone but the class knew that he was gazing into nothingness.

They sighed in disappointment but was not surprised with his attitude. Mrs.Park continued her lecture and they continue to focus on the subject.

"Okay, we have 15 minutes before the bell ring. I want you to form a team of two. This project would be simple so you'll have a week to submit it. I want you to create a poem, about anything or anyone."

Mrs.Park continued explaining the requirements of the assignment, but most of her student didn't really focus about it as they were busy looking around, making eye contacts and telepathy agreement to form a group.

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