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Yoongi parked his bike to the side of the road, he glanced through his phone to check if he was at the right apartment building. He got off the motorbike, he sighed as he unbuckled the knot and took the mental container along with him as he walked into the building.

It was a pretty wealthy neighborhood compare to the shit hole he lives in. The guard stopped him as he set foot on the building. He showed the order that was made on his phone. All of the information such as the customer's name and apartment number were stated. The guard approved his entrance and Yoongi nodded behind his helmet.

He pressed the button for the second time and heard a deep voice from the other side of the door, "Wait a moment please." The man spoke. Not long after that Yoongi halted to the sound of doors unlocking. As the door swung open, a fairly tall man, greeted Yoongi with a boxy smile on his face, "Mr Kim Tae Hyung?" he asked.

The man nodded repeatedly, "Did you order you three jajangmyeon, one tangsuyuk and a large tteobokki?" he asked for confirmation. Taehyung responded, "Yes, that's true. Come in." he gave some space for Yoongi to walk in.

"FOOD!!" another voice came in screaming, making Yoongi abruptly stopped his movement and glared at the source of the sound. Thankfully his helmet was completely black and was fully covering his face.

"Calm down Jungkook." Another unfamiliar voice spoke.

"You can place the food on the table." Yoongi was actually stunned to how his features were resemblance to a woman. His eyes squinted as he smiled.

"You know how he is when it's come to food, Jimin." Taehyung swung his arms around Jungkook's neck and ruffled his hair. The boy smiled wide, proudly showing his bunny teeth. Upon unboxing the huge metal container, Yoongi took out every single food from their order.

Being the way that he was, he didn't give a shit from the customer's conversation, he just wanted to get off work quickly and gulp down some meds to ease his pain. It's been a week; the headaches weren't helping him at all. Good thing this is the last order before his shift end. Upon the many things they conversed about there one particular subject struck him. Parents.

Yoongi slammed the box a little bit too hard, making the three people behind him startled. He turned around to face him and slightly bowed to them, "Thank you for purchasing from Infires Restaurant. Please enjoy your meal." His voice couldn't be colder. He took the metal box and started to walk away, leaving the three boys dumbfounded.


Yoongi bowed to the owner of the restaurant as a sign of respect before he got off his shift. He walked out tugging on the strings of his sweater. Being deep in thoughts as he recalled the conversation between his last customer. The word parents triggered him. As it had been three years since he didn't see them.


After months of convincing Yoongi to get help for the problems that he was having, it took them several arguments both verbal and physical; for Yoongi to finally agree. Three of them sat on the couch with the 15 years old Yoongi sitting in between his parents. The psychiatrist entered the room and bowed.

Both of the parents stood up and bowed as well. The boy stayed on his seat, clearly rebelling against his own decision on agreeing to come for the treatment. Mrs. Min pulled his wrist, asking him to pay his respect to Dr. Lee.

He sat still with a pissed expression plastered on his face, refusing to stand up. Dr. Lee smiled and spoke, "It's okay. Have a seat." He politely spoke to the parents. Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance, "This is a waste of time." He thought.

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