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🖤Do Vampires Exist?🖤


(Matteo Jaramillo:His pic above☝)

Charles POV

15 years ago...

"How long do you plan on keep on bringing me with disappointing news?Huh Charles?"Father's calm yet threatening voice filled the whole place,resulting echoes as I was with him alone,glanced down as I knelt before him.

"Father I have tried my best searching but there were no signs of it...it may be possible that it had gone extinct."I responded as neutral as I can,even though I felt his intensify glare on me.He was quiet...dangerously quiet to think that he is pleased with my answer.The silence was followed by sounds of footsteps that were heading towards me.

"Rise."He commanded,and without delay I did what I was told."Look at me."My eyes briskly met up with my father's intimidating,ablazing orange ones caged by tiny burgundy nets surrounding it.An innocent mortal would not dare to stare back at them.He had walked off from his throne and had remained standing in front of me."If I had known of it...why would I have given you this task in the first place?"I stayed quiet as I did not wish to answer back.I do not know if I would.

"See?I am not wrong,am I?Now Charles...it will be almost two centuries and you still have not found what I asked you to find.I said,in every fifty years,to return back to this world to bring me good news,"his smile only lasted a second as he continues rambling the same thing he has been saying to me in each and every fifty years I come here,while knelt on this woody brown cold ground,feeling my ears wearing off.

"What do you bring me,Charles?You bring disappointment...to me and this family!This year it's worse!After coming back last half a century ago you would say 'I'm still searching' but this year you decide that it is a good thing to give up since you think now that they do not exist!"I flinched over father's booming voice.

"I..."My eyes darted elsewhere avoiding his glare,as only a single word formed at the tip of my tongue.All of sudden the crunched folds on his forehead loosen,forming a semi calmed expression on his face.I then felt my chin rise all because of his index finger.

"Oh Charles...it doesn't mean me being a little bit harsh to you now that
I want you to be like your older brother,Henry,I want you to be you.I'm proud for you both for being determined.I'm just cross...that's all.But...I do not know when I'll keep up being 'Chill' as modern humans say."After his sentence he lean closer to my ear and whispered,"Son...now go back to the human world...and find me the heart.Fail to do so...I'll gladly take yours instead."If it was another person who doesn't know who father is,he or she would have laughed at his fake threat...he wasn't bluffing.


If you're wondering if that's really my life...you thought right.Unfortunately for me I'm considered lifeless.I'm only father's toy that gets to do whatever pleases him.The only lifeless puppet that doesn't have a say to father's decisions.

I can not even remember the last time father took me as his son,the love one young vampire deserves.As I grow I forgot what that is...to be loved.My only focus is to achieve my father's goal...that is to find his source of power.

I guess I felt relieved being away from him in every fifty years,I felt somewhat free.How could I be dump to forget the chain dangling in my leg?It is as if I have a tattoo in my mind that is a constant reminder of my given task.Maybe the thought of being free doesn't exist at all.

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