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The criteria for reviewing is:

(this is the revised version and people reviewing have to follow this criteria) ( also, thanks starry_arthi for suggesting changes)


Title and cover (/ 10)

Is the title apt for the book? is it intriguing? Is cover appealing enough for you to read that book? Remember the cover and title of the book is what is called a first impression. If it's not good enough, you can lose views.

Blurb/ description (/10)

The blurb is important. The blurb should provide an overview of the book, but it shouldn't spoil the suspense. A good blurb can earn you a few views. And remember some readers decide to read a book on the basis of blurb rather than title/ cover.

The content /plot(/20)

the plot is what you want the readers to know about. the plot or the content, is the story the author is trying to present. so, remember, keep your plot interesting, unique and full of unexpected twist.


characterization is the expressing the characters' personality properly. the plot, content depends on characters. how your character expresses his or her feelings? what he believes in? his behaviors towards other character? his personality development?

Consistency (/10)/ pacing( /10)

consistency is important. too rushed or too slow pace often causes reader to become confused or bored. it is important to maintain same flow of the story. i have seen authors making rushed and abrupt endings, which leaves readers less satisfied and confused. ( you can write pacing and consistency together or differently)

Dialogue (/10)

dialogues between characters explain the relationship between the characters. often dialogues make the story humorous. so, its important to write enough dialogues but not too much and maintain the story.

Writing/ grammar /vocabulary(/20)

Let's assume you have a good cover, title and blurb. But the next step is the most crucial step of all. your writing. Remember, the most talented writer can make the cringiest story look awesome. Attributes of good writing skills are:

1. Avoid typos. Maximum authors make this mistake. They write as if they are texting someone. This doesn't look good when you write a proper book.

2. Make it descriptive: too many dialogues can confuse the reader and it increases the pace of the book. To avoid this, describe the environment around your characters. Try to relate the environment with the feelings of the characters. However, making it too descriptive can also cause loss of interest.

3. Use good vocabulary

4. Avoid grammatical mistakes.

Overall enjoyment (/10)

readers opinion matters. so, write what you enjoyed, how interesting it was, and what could be improved.


TOTAL (/110)

give a honest opinion.

(also, review should have at least 250 words) 


title:( /10)

is the title relevant to the story? it is unique? it is appealing to you? Remember the cover and title of the book is what is called a first impression. If it's not good enough, you can lose views.

cover: (/10)

is the cover relevant to the title? is it catchy? Remember the cover and title of the book is what is called a first impression. If it's not good enough, you can lose views.

blurb( /10)

does it appeal you? is it anyway relevant to the poem? is anything that can be improved? The blurb should provide an overview of the book. A good blurb can earn you a few views. And remember some readers decide to read a book on the basis of blurb rather than title/ cover.


are poems creative? how well is the flow? if poetic devices are used how is it?

emotions and feeling:(/20)

are there any emotions in the poem? does it make you cry or laugh? does it touch your heart?

grammar and vocabulary(/20)

well, for emotions and feelings proper grammar is required. it is important to write a poem with right grammar and punctuations.


originality is important. so is the poem unique? original? does it deal with different topics? does it voice the opinion of the poet?

total:( /100)

write an honest review about what you liked and what should be improved.

The reviewers are supposed to judge based on the criteria mentioned above. And they are supposed to PM the reviews to me from TWO WEEKS of getting the book to review.

And the reviews will be posted in book 'PERKS -2'. You shall be updated about it soon. This is because there would be many other events and contests too in this book. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or PM me.

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