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Luna Larsson

I ended up here, completely wasted with a guy who's kind enough to keep me on my feet, but didn't say a word to me... I couldn't figure him out. At the game, his gaze on me gave me chills, and here, I couldn't stop looking at him, experiencing that same sizzling feeling over and over, each time he laid his amber and hazel eyes on me. Something about him was just so compelling and mysterious and I- You asked him to carry you... And were disappointed when he didn't. You. Have. A. Boyfriend. What's wrong with you

"I'm sorry." I sighed deeply, still slurring my words while the entire room was spinning like I was on a merry go around, and I felt like I was about puke in front of him. Maybe he'll see me for what I am, a wild one like half the school assumes. I looked up at him and caught him already staring down, his eyes just as mesmerizing as a minute ago. I felt it when the room stopped spinning around us, his face relaxed and his lips painted with a smile. God, Luna... For some reason my heartbeat was rising by the second his eyes held mine. His eyes were gold and gray, mixed with brown and green, the perfect combination of everything except for blue. Blue like mine, but that wasn't my favorite color anymore. He parted his lips, as if he was about to say something, I wish he did. All he had said so far was my name and his, Jules, and I could vividly remember how that sounded, even when my head was complete chaos and an absolute spinning black hole. His voice was raspy and husky, yet soft and sweet... Just as mysterious as the rest of him, and I wanted to hear it again. "Why don't you want to talk to me?" I said softly, my voice tired. He swallowed and I could see his internal in every expression on the face, from a frown to a sign and his lips that wanted to say something and his voice that didn't. I'm just not good company huh? I looked away, breaking eye contact while the room started to spin once more, a rush of dizziness taking over my ability to think, so I spilled whatever my tongue wanted, my filter gone. "Fuck this, I'm never drinking vodka again!" I scoffed while letting myself fall back into the bed, the ceiling spinning at the speed of light as if it was going to swallow me. "Why did he have to brag about it to his friends? He's not like that when we're alone... He's usually really understanding about it... That's just a dick move and now I'm all stressed!" I sighed even deeper, letting my hands fall above my head, slowly getting swallowed by my dizziness and the ceiling. I sure have no problem talking about sex to this handsome stranger, but actually doing it with my boyfriend seems like going off the deep end, like there's no way back. Luna, are you dumb, there isn't... There is no way back, and why is he still not talking?

Just when I thought he has turned into a statue at the edge of the bed, I felt the mattress next to me sink in, and I looked up I was greeted by his smoldering eyes again, the pity look on his face instantly making me cock a brow at him. "Judging me again, huh?" I almost huffed at him, but he shook his head no. "Oh! So, you can shake your head... Good to know!" I slurred, while squeezing my eyes at him, still lying onto my back with my hands above my head as it made me less hot, in a temperature kind of way. My thoughts went wild when I felt his eyes wander over me, the air in the room getting tight in an instant. Is he? No, he isn't...? "Are you checking me out, Martin?" I gasped in all drunkenness at him, but he just sat there, his eyes wide. "Oh yeah, just shake that head Jules..." I smirked at him and the way my words sounded out loud. "Yes, or no?" I said, shaking my head up and down, then left to right, but he nervously put his tongue into the corner of his mouth and looked away with a chuckle. Damn, that's... hot. I felt myself stare at him and that nervous expression for a second, taking it all in. "Oh come on... Be honest." I laughed, nudging my knee to his to grasp his attention, but when he turned to me he looked at me differently, determined I'd say. "Were you checking me out, or not?" I widened my eyes at him with a smirk on my face, mirroring his before his eyes wandered over me once more, deliberately slower this time and it instantly made me feel on edge. I felt his gaze leave my eyes, slowly sliding over my lips where he briefly stopped and his mouth involuntary opened a little, enough to make him catch his breath. I could only look at his, astound by the way this was making me feel, on edge and flustered. They wandered further down my neck and down my front, stopping at the hem of my T-shirt before going over every button down to my stomach. His eyes felt hot on me and I didn't want him to tears them away, not yet. Halfway through I lost my breath, as his eyes went further down until they stopped at the hem of my jeans, my heart rate now too high to think straight. It was no longer the alcohol that made me dizzy, but him, his eyes finding mine again, holding on to mine while the look in them gave me chills. I swallowed, as I realized I was enjoying this more than I should, this being the first time anyone ever looked at me like that, really looked, like he saw me, when everyone else saw something I was not.

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