Luna Larsson
"Come on Luna! You're coming. Sad or not!" Shit it's Wednesday! The Halloween Party... Sophia stormed into my room while I was trying to study, and you better put the emphasis on trying, because my head wasn't up for it. The day before I grabbed all of Zander's stuff that was still here and dropped a box off at his doorstep. Even though I was happy and relieved to finally feel like I wasn't loosing myself to him and that relationship, collecting all of his stuff made me cry and left me miserable for the rest of that day. At work, I made a few mistakes, studying was a no-go and even skating turned out to be a major fail as I popped all of my jumps. He betrayed me, cheated on me but the worst thing was that he had been treating me like crap and I didn't see it until it was over, and for that I blamed myself. Even Jules seemed to have taken some space as apart from some casual texts I didn't hear or see him, which made me guess he was giving me the space I didn't want. Fantastic. Being around him was making me happy at a time when I was supposed to wretched. I didn't need space, I didn't need to heal, I needed him to suck up all of my time and check off my bucket list with me, and he for sure was one box to check, which was experiencing love at first sight, and another one, falling wildly in love with him.
"Do I have to?" I whined, while Soho was already by my side, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from my desk.
She pulled my out of my room and into the living room where Grace was sitting on the couch, doing her makeup. "Do you want me to drag your ass over there? Come on, we planned this and that son of a bitch is not going to ruin your one night a year us girls can dress up slutty without getting crap for it." Sophia was adamant to make me go and who was I to fight her.
"We do get crap for it." I squeezed my eyes at her before throwing Grace a welcoming smile.
"Do we care?" Gracie giggled while popping her lips after she applied some bright red lip gloss.
"Nope." I shook my head with a smirk. Of course not. "But what if he's going to be there?" I whined, slumping down into the couch next to Grace, and by the disgusted looks on their faces they knew I was talking about Zander.
"Don't worry about that. Sophia and I won't hesitate to beat him with some random Harley Quinn's baseball bat if he comes near you." Grace smiled, handing me the bottle of vodka from the coffee table with a wide smirk, and it made me chuckle. I took a swig, officially participating in tonight's fun.
"That ass has more dick in his personality than in his pants." Sophia scoffed, nearly making me choke on my sip of vodka. "God, I have always wanted to say that out loud!" She laughed.
"Sophia you're a bitch... and I love you for it. But still I'm going to ruin the fun if I see him and I get emotional, or I don't know how I'll feel... Probably I'll go all wild Luna on him, cussing him out in front of everyone. I think I can't even publicly embarrass myself even more after everything that happened. What if that girl Katy is with him? I mean-"
"Chill! Oh, he's going to only have eyes for you when you put on that costume." Grace snickered, grabbing the bottle and taking a swig too.
"Yeah right. Look at me. I'm a mess. I look like I haven't showered in two days... Shit that's actually the case." I scoffed at myself and my lack of effort today, my hair not brushed, the cry bags under my eyes dark and my hoodie covered in tearstains and coffee and not to forget the scruffy pyjama pants.
"Not when we're done with you." Grace grinned at me again, and I already felt a make-over in the works.
I stood up and Sophia saw I still wasn't sure, but she definitely made it her mission to convince me otherwise. "Honey the best revenge is to go to that party be a bad bitch and look like a bad bitch and enjoy all those eyes on you because you're hot stuff! If he's there you don't say a word to him, hell you don't even need to glance at his face. Just make him look at you and he'll damn regret what he did for the rest of his miserable life. Make him realize he fucked up by looking your best and having fun." Sophia's perseverance and bad ass words made me chuckle. Best pep talk ever. Okay I'm in. "That's free advice. You're welcome." She smirked flipping her hair back with an attitude. You do not want to mess with Soph.

RomanceCOMPLETED - It's puck at first sight for Jules Martin, when his gaze falls on Luna Larsson at his first College ice hockey game with a new team. The disappointment is real when the icy blonde with an attitude turns out to be his new arch enemy's gi...