(7) Detective/Stalker Tsukishima

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"Kageyama, we need to talk"

It was those 5 words that made Tobio's eyes widen. His face slowly turned to shock and fear, 'Suga couldn't have guessed, it could be for something different!' He looks around for anyone who could help him, but the club room was already empty.

"Okay?" He tries to calm down by clutching and unclutching his fist in a beat.

Suga sighs while pulling a wooden stool from the corner of the room, "...I have been made aware by someone who told me to remain nameless that you were found limping outside of the school grounds," The 3rd year setter looked straight into Kageyama's eyes "Did something happen?" His eyes were filled with worry and concern, just like a mother's...

The 1st year felt a small warmth cover his icey heart, then pushed it away "I'm fine." He swears he didn't mean to make Suga cry with his response. He swears he didn't count on Suga standing up quickly and running out of the room. But, why would people believe him?

Once the word got out through the gym that Suga ran out of their conversation sobbing, people put two and two together.

"Why'd you make him cry?"
" Yeah, you may be depressed, but you didn't need to drag him into it"

Kageyama decided that people cared for their old setter. Much more than the first year that day.

When it was time to go home after practice had ended, Kageyama felt Tsukishima's eyes on him.

"What are YOU looking at, Saltishima?" The setter frowns, leaving to change in the bathroom.

"Ah king, why are you going to the bathroom? Are you just too special for the commoner's club room?" Kei adjusted his glasses so the tiny glare of the blinking florescent lights would cover the expression his eyes were making.

Tobio frowns while looking at his bag, "Don't call me king." He
ignores his question, then leaves from the only door.

This ticked the middle blocker off, but still stayed as cool as he could be "I'll never do that, why the hell aren't you changing with us?" Okay okay, so he could use some practice in the anger management club.

"Because...I have somewhere to be." Kageyama says it bluntly , turning away from the questioning blond.

The glasses on Tsuki's nose dipped, showing a bit of his golden eyes "That sounds weird" He pauses and smirks "Are you.." He wolf whistles.

"What?! No!" Kageyama blushes embarrassed so he covers his face with his hands.

Tsukishima looked at him with....a type of emotion left in his eyes that Kageyama couldn't see though. 'King sure does look cute...wait, what did I just think? " Kei shakes his head to clear his dirty thoughts.

"...Anyway" He grabs his bag and heads out to the door.

Kei frowns, knowing something was wrong "Hey king?" Tobio turns to face him with an annoyed expression.


" ...Nothing" When the setter left the club room, he had dropped his knee pads, "Oh?" Tsukishima bends down and picks them up. "I'll return this to him...later."

-With Tsukishima-

The blond stuffs them in his bag with the rest of his stuff and decided to walk the black haired boy home. And by walk home he ment follow until he could think of a way to understand what is causing his change in mood. 'Not because I'm worried! Just because he's being a bigger ass now' Tsukishima walks over to a sidewalk 8 feet away from Kageyama.

Tobio looks around quickly before turning to enter his house, which was weird to say the least. Before Kei had a chance to think about it, the front door was slammed open by a man that appeared to be in his late 30s. He was tall, just taller than Tsuki by around 3 inches, and was wearing glasses on his large prominent nose. 'That must be his father' He makes sure to note that the door never opened past three inches.

"Where the hell were you?" 'Okay, that was rude' He moved his glasses with his middle finger and leans in closer to hear better in the conversation. "Well?!" The father was losing patience, it was easy to see by the way he was tapping his foot in the floor.

"I-I was at school, sir." Kageyama replies with a weak voice. 'That's not like the King I know...oh my god I sound like a teenage girl in love' He mentally gags at his own actions.

The taller man pulls his son into the darkened house and shuts the door, "....wait" Tsukishima gets up and frowns 'I thought Kageyama said he was living with a friend now...why would he come back here?' Every second he spent here ment more hours we would stay awake thinking about it. "I'll ask him tomorrow." He declares to no one in particular.

With that, under the flickering street light, the blond middle blocker walks home in a small daze.

He entered the small house and took his shoes off at the door "I'm home," He says with no enthusiasm.

Out of the closet pops his older brother "Hey there!" This action didn't surprise Tsuki since he did this every time he got home. 'When is he going to grow out of it?' He doesn't say anything to him, and leaves the other way through the kitchen where he saw his mom cooking (food I had today) happily.

"Hiya, Kei!" She smiles a kind filled smile.

Tsukishima never could understand how he was born into a family that was so....happy. "Hi" He walks past her, adjusting his glasses.

"Dinner should be ready in 5!"

The mid blocker couldn't care less "Thanks, but I just ate" He looks up at her then walks up the stairs silently.

" Oh, alright, I'll go wrap some up for you to eat tomorrow!" She states sadly.

Tsuki hums in agreement while closing the door to his room. He undressed and took a short cold shower, cleaning off some dirt on his knees.

After his shivering shower, he gets dressed in simple gray pajama pants. Kei lays down in his bed, facing up. 'I wonder what's happening to Kageyama...I hope he's okay....' He pauses and shakes his head. 'Ew!'

It's easy to say he didn't get much sleep that night.

Hey! I am so so so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm coming up with a schedule because of school! Every three -four days expect an update! Thank you for reading, I'll see you soon!

1100 words including this sentence!

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