part 14

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So here is the next update do hit the star button and leave your precious comments ♥️

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So here is the next update do hit the star button and leave your precious comments ♥️ target nothing 2 more updates to go❤️..

Do check out my new story guys pretty please ❤️

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Do check out my new story guys pretty please ❤️..

She was laying on her bed.. there was a peaceful smile on her face.. she was thinking about the time she spent with her love today..her cheeks heat up when she realised how close they were and he made her feel out of the world..thou it wasn't their first time..

She can stll feel his touch his lips on her body on the sweet spot of her neck..she hid her face on the pillow thinking about her wild thoughts..

Her phone started ringing which brought her back from her la la land..

She smiled seeing the caller id and picked the call.."hello?"

"So you are coming tomorrow right?" He asked..

"You called me just to ask this?" She asked..

"If you want then we can talk about the thing we did today" he said mischievously from the other side making her blush more...

"I'll ca..ll you mom's ca..ll" she tried to lie but failed miserably..

"Stop lying" she heard his laugh and frowned..

"Ughh stop teasing me" she said grumpily..

"Accha listen leave all this and tell me are you fine now? Is it hurting" he asked..

"Why are you asking all this what happened to me? I am totally fine" she answered..

"I was asking because I was tensed about you after the deeds I did today with you I hope you aren't hurt" she smiled at his concern..

"I am totally fine" she replied and he sighed audibly..

"Ok now go and sleep good night and have only my dreams" he said from the other side and she giggled..

"Good night" she wished him back and hung up the call..

Driver dropped Nandini and Mannat to the Malhotra Mansion and left..

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