Slowly seducing

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I sit in my cell upon horde primes spacecraft, thinking sexy thoughts. What would daddi prime do to me today? I wonder in the empty room. I bite my lip as more thoughts flood my head. ' he is just too damn sexy' I whispered to myself as loud footsteps filled the corridors.


He barged into my cell, grabbing my neck and pinning me against the wall. He whispered in my ear 'Daddy wants you', I looked up and down and shivered, I can feel my phany tingle. 'Choke me daddy' I whispered seductively.

He threw me across the room at the speed of lightning McQueen. I collapse onto the floor a horny mess 😻. Horde prime stood over me, his cold hand smacked me across my face. I blushed cutely. 'God he is so hot'. Horde prime (or should I say horny prime) smirked. ' you are requested for dinner today, be there or there will be serious consequences.' I smerk 😼 'or what ?' Daddi replied ' you don't wanna know'


As I arrive in the dining chamber I met eyes with daddy prime 'you requested my presence?😼😏'
He gestured for me to come forward and I obeyed. I bowed at his knees taking a moment to gase at his sexiness and took my seat. I made an effort to make sure my ass was sticking out as far as it could. 'No one can resist this sexy hunk of meat' I whispered to myself. Daddy prime rudely commented ' your flat as fuck'. I gazed at him, surely he is joking. I started doing the WAP dance to hopefully seduce him but he grunted and walked off. What a piece of shit.

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