Chapter 42

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Kris carefully reached for the door. When he placed his hand on it, he felt it vibrate. Something must be going on inside... I'm not sure I like the feeling that I'm getting. Kris pulled on the door and slowly opened it, creating a violently loud creaking sound that echoed inside the staircase ahead of him. 

"Hello?" His words echoed all the way down. That wasn't very smart. Kris slowly walked forwards despite the horrible feeling he had in his gut. He made his way to the staircase and looked back as if the doors would suddenly close on him. Kris turned back towards the staircase and decided to go down. It didn't go as far down as he thought, but once he reached the end he was surprised that the door opened by itself. "Hello?" He called out again. 

A bunch of dim lights turned on throughout the room. "Is anyone there?" 

"Hello, Kris."

Kris looked around. "Where are you?"

"Up here." 

Kris looked up to see what looked like Ralsei. "Ralsei??"

"Yep. It's hard to explain, but I'm not really here right now."

"What do you mean?" Kris examined him. "Oh, yeah. You look like a ghost."

"Kind of, yeah. It took a lot of work to get to a place like this. A lot of going back and forth and magic. Only you can bridge both of these worlds together properly. You're the key to opening the gap. This is how I am able to get to this world without you. I've had this place here for a while, and I probably should have told you... but whatever."

"Wait... what even is this place?"

"It's a way I can temporarily come into this world. It takes a lot of effort and spells. But I don't have much time. I know there's something deep inside of you. Something causing you pain. Physically."

Kris opened his mouth to say something but didn't end up saying anything for a couple of seconds. "Y-Yeah. I thought there was."

"I've worked to make a potential way to fix this. It seems like you contracted it from the monster you faced a while ago."

"What? Is it like some sort of sickness?"

"Well, not exactly. It's hard to explain." Ralsei floated over to the side. "You mustn't let anyone know about this. No one can know that I'm here."

"Yeah. Okay, I won't tell anyone." Kris looked down. He wanted to tell Susie, but she seemed relaxed for the first time in a while, and he didn't want to ruin it. "Am I going to be okay?"

"I'm sure of it. It seems that all we need to do it feed you this." Ralsei grabbed something from the table and gave it to Kris. It was a bowl with blue liquid and blue leaves in it. 

Kris whiffed the bowl and retched. "Oh my god. That's bad." 

"Yes, but if it's something manifesting inside of you, it will definitely get rid of it."

"Wait. How do you even know what's happening to me?"

Ralsei chuckled. "I can see a lot more than you know."

"Makes sense." Kris looked back down at his bowl and decided to drink it. He clenched the bowl with both of his hands as he forced himself to drink the blue liquid. "Ugh." Kris wiped some of the soup off of his mouth. "Are you sure this is going to help?"

"Yes. I am certain. It's a pest we'll treat it like one."

Kris looked down at the bowl again. "Yeah." He took a look around. "So, you just built this place from scratch?"

Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now